
Showing posts from November, 2018

Paul Wade

     " My name's Paul Wade, I sit in the shade and stir lemonade with a long handled spade." My grandpa used to tell me, then I would add,  I've got it made, cause my name's Wade!"                                 On November 17th, those of us who knew and loved him, will celebrate and reflect upon the life of Paul Wade.  Paul was born in the year 1900 in a one room log house with a shed on one side where the family cooked and ate meals. His father was Jasper Carolina Wade , his mother, Berta Adelaide Leake.  There little house was near a small town called Chavez, in DeKalb county, Alabama. Paul's Mission Photo       When Paul was barely two his family moved to Indian Territory ( which is now Oklahoma) to a little town called Midland.  As a Little boy, Paul became very sick with stomach and bowel problems and nearly died.( We’re all glad he didn’t!) Paul’s brother Chester said Paul was cured by eating lots of watermelon!      In 1901, while still in