
Showing posts from October, 2019

Of Treasures in Heaven and Earth

                               O F  T R E A S U R E S  I N  H E A V E N  A N D  E A R T H      Recently we had the opportunity to visit the “ Mezhyhirya Mansion” which is called by the people of Ukraine- “ The Palace of Corruption.” or “Monument to corruption.” Why would such a beautiful place as this be called such a name? Let us tell you the story! Clear back in 2010 a man by the name of Victor Yanukovych was elected as the 4th President of Ukraine on February 7, 2010. ( 4th since the collapse of the Soviet Union on Dec. 26,1991-) He began almost immediately spending and expanding his complex in Mezhyhirya. The winter of 2014 is called “Winter on Fire” as the people revolted against the political corruption. The people gathered at Kyiv’s Maidan Square and eventually, more than 100 people were killed, many by sniper fire, in clashes between protesters and police. Yanukovych could read the writing on the wall and over a 3 day period in February loaded truck loads of treasures and f