
Showing posts from January, 2020

2020 Vision

Every New Year gives us an opportunity to reflect upon and learn from the past and to look ahead and plan for the future. It wasn’t long ago that 2020 sounded so futuristic, now we are there! A New Year, a New Decade and hopefully one with 2020 Vision! ( pun intended.) Here in Ukraine, our mission district did something that was very symbolic and meaningful to us. Our district leader read Alma 24 from the Book of Mormon. You know the story. The converted Lamanites buried their weapons of war deep in the earth, as a sign of their repentance and covenanted   With an oath to God, that they would never take them up again. This they did in an effort to stay clean before God. After reviewing this passage of scripture he asked us-“Is there anything in your past that you should bury and leave in 2019?” We then wrote those things we wished to leave in 2019 on a piece of paper containing the image of a sword ( some of us needed several papers) and with a shovel in hand, walked them to their f