
Showing posts from July, 2020


IN AS MUCH AS PARENTS HAVE CHILDREN IN ZION Last month’s Grandparent Chronicles ended with a question- “If we don’t teach these true principles in the home, where else will our children learn them? In a time of world-wide pandemic and limited church gatherings, this question becomes even more important.   We are happy to report that since then, we have had the privilege of staying with most of you and have enjoyed with you wonderful family home evening lessons, family prayer, sacrament meetings and beautiful family time with you and our amazing grandchildren. As a Family we aren’t perfect yet, but heading in the right direction.   We can all improve with our personal and Family scripture study. We hope that you will all prayerfully consider how to improve in this and anyway other way you can help your children. We think that overall, you are better parents than we were. Please know that we tried.   As a family, we were pretty good at meal- time and family night- time pray