
Showing posts from July, 2021

AMERICA - What’s so special?

               AMERICA-    WHAT’S SO SPECIAL ?                                          July 2021   At least since the end of World War 2 there has been an anti-American sentiment among our own, often on college campuses and among the rising generation. From flag burnings to anti-American slogans and demonstrations, from kneeling protests during our national anthem to claims of systemic racism to the destruction of national monuments once revered. Although America has made mistakes and is far from perfect, it remains true that this is a chosen land and that God has had a divine purpose for this land of ours.   The scriptures bear this out.   At the confounding of language at the tower of babel approx. 4,000 BC, upon praying to the lord, the brother of Jared was told; (Ether 1:42)…I will go before thee into a land that is choice above all the lands of the earth.” Upon arriving on the American continent the lord again reminded them; (Ether 2:12) Behold, this is a choice land, and wha