INTRODUCING- The Grandparent Chronicles

I N T R O D U C I N G -  T H E  G R A N D P A R E N T  C H R O N I C L E S

Greetings dear loved ones!  We hope this New Year is starting out just right for you!

For some time now, we have been praying to know how we might be a more positive influence
in each of your lives. We continue to pray for each of you.  We also pray that we will live our lives
consistent with all we know to be true in order to be good examples for you. We want to be the type of people you can trust and count on to always be in your corner. People you can turn to in need -whom you know love you unconditionally. We also believe that the more you know about our lives and your ancestors- the better you'll be prepared to make the best choices when you face challenges, when you remember how people whom love you faced theirs.
In that spirit we are introducing - THE GRANDPARENT CHRONICLES.
Our goal is to try to help each of you live happy lives! We believe as stated in The Family- A Proclamation To The World - "that happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ."
Our ultimate goal is to enjoy eternal life with you and all our posterity.
Our hope is to send to you periodically, stories, thoughts, histories and insights which we hope you will read, discuss and ponder as a family and individually. We hope that you will find positive application from these offerings for you as you navigate your own journey through life. That you will live in a way that will qualify you to enjoy life now and eternal life as family.
We hope that those of you with little ones (there are many) will take the time to explain to your children , in ways they will understand, the thoughts from our hearts and the stories of life in ways that they too may benefit. And so we begin... The Grandparent Chronicles!
              All our love Always-  Grandpa and Grandma Wade

next post-  " In the beginning...


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