In the Beginning...

"In the beginning" begins the Bible in describing the creation of this earth on which we live.
The Book of Mormon begins with " I Nephi, having been born of goodly parents...". So le's talk about beginnings- your beginnings! Every one of you lived in Heaven before you were born on earth. You were taught and loved and developed until it was your turn to come to earth. 
     I'm sure we were all excited to begin our journey here on earth. You were all born, like Nephi, to goodly parents who love, teach and help you. You have been taught to use your agency to make good choices. Eventually, we will all grow old and return to Heaven to begin eternity!
However, before beginning eternity, there are a whole lot of other beginnings we get to enjoy!
Savannah and Janelle recently began college, Camden and Levi recently began 1st grade, Cindy began swimming lessons, Alan will soon begin his Priesthood years and Connor will soon begin a mission. We all have new beginnings throughout our lives.
When you stop to think about it, everyone of us get's to begin again every morning we wake up!
     If we make mistakes ( and we all do) because our Savior loves us- we get to repent and begin again! This Easter Season is a reminder of the wonderful reality of the risen Christ.  The empty tomb reminds us that we too will surely die but just as surely , because of our Savior Jesus Christ, we too will live again! We hope that as each of you face new beginnings, you will be thankful for and happy to know that we have a loving Heavenly Father who provided a plan that allows us to begin again...each and every day! 
Much love- Grandpa & Grandma Wade
The Grandparent Chronicles 



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