The Grandparent Chronicles

T H E   G R A N D P A R E N T   C H R O N I C L E S    

OUR WADE FAMILY BEGINNINGS..   So last time we talked about beginnings- ( It was several weeks ago because we've been having fun with Grandma Wade visiting us!)
     I thought you might enjoy knowing of the beginning of the WADE family becoming members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  This true story was told to me by my grandpa Paul Wade and others...
     Paul Wade's father- JASPER CAROLINA WADE ( the Carolina came from where his father David Caleb Wade was born- South Carolina.)  Jasper was a tobacco farmer- a product he used for most of his life, but he was a good man. One day while he was driving his team and wagon to town he had a vision.  He saw two men in white shirts walking down the lane to his house.  He saw that they entered his house and even where they would sit.  He felt impressed that they had an important message for him.  When he returned home he recounted his vision to his sweet wife BERTA ADELADE LEAK WADE. He told her that when these two men came, she was to send for him if he was out working in the field.  Sure enough, within a few weeks Berta saw two men in white shirts walking down the lane to their house.  She sent one of the children to tell Jasper who was out working in the field.  Before Jasper returned she thought she would provide a test to see if indeed these were the two men in Jasper's vision.  She moved one of the chairs from where Jasper had told her they would sit.  When they arrived she opened the door and offered them to sit.  One of the men picked up the chair she had moved and put it back where it had been, then sat down.  Berta now knew that these men were indeed the very two Jasper had seen in vision.  Jasper and Berta gathered their children and listened to the two men who were Mormon missionaries.  As the Wade Family listened to the message of the restoration the Spirt bore witness to them that the message was true.  Soon Jasper, Berta and the children were all converted and baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Now you know how the WADE FAMILY came to be Mormons!
Thanks to Jasper and Berta,  you and I are now privileged to be members of this wonderful restored and true church of Jesus Christ ! What a wonderful legacy that I hope you will honor by keeping yourselves worthy and by passing on the accompanying blessings and true story to your posterity!

Much Love-   Grandpa and Grandma Wade

The Grandparent Chronicles 


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