
Showing posts from June, 2018

" Father, Consider your Ways"

Many years ago, the church distributed a brochure with the title "Father, Consider Your Ways ." The message of this little brochure had a big impact on me. I was a newly wed and had  my child  rearing years ahead of me when the pamphlet was 1st published. I remember reading this 6 page pamphlet and thinking-" Wow, Fatherhood is serious business and hard work! I hope I'm up to the task!" We'll here I am, 45 years later and as I look back, I had good reason to be concerned ! Oh sure, I tried to do my best but in all honesty, I fell short in so many ways. My comfort comes in realizing that my sons, everyone of them, are better at being fathers than I was. Next week is Father's Day, an annual event in which we honor Fathers, past and present. What better occasion to review the important role of Fathers , in hope that we who are Fathers might be reminded of our responsibilities and hopefully become better at it, whether we still have children at home or l