" Father, Consider your Ways"

Many years ago, the church distributed a brochure with the title "Father, Consider Your Ways ."
The message of this little brochure had a big impact on me. I was a newly wed and had  my child  rearing years ahead of me when the pamphlet was 1st published.
I remember reading this 6 page pamphlet and thinking-" Wow, Fatherhood is serious business and hard work! I hope I'm up to the task!" We'll here I am, 45 years later and as I look back, I had good reason to be concerned ! Oh sure, I tried to do my best but in all honesty, I fell short in so many ways.
My comfort comes in realizing that my sons, everyone of them, are better at being fathers than I was.
Next week is Father's Day, an annual event in which we honor Fathers, past and present. What better occasion to review the important role of Fathers , in hope that we who are Fathers might be reminded of our responsibilities and hopefully become better at it, whether we still have children at home or like me , whose children have children of their own. We can all improve in this most important role of being Fathers!
So, with that introduction, let's review some teachings from this pamphlet, teachings of prophets and some  personal observations as we approach Father's Day!
As the bills start pouring in you soon realize that (1st)- You must Be A Good Provider. So you work and work hard to pay the bills. You ( 2 nd) Love , Protect and Care for these little ones (and hopefully, with  the help of a good wife) you care for all their Physical needs. You soon discover that you are now ( 3 rd) A Teacher. A teacher of the ABC's and things of this world. Even more importantly, you are (4 th ) A Teacher of Values and Spiritual Things.  You teach by precept but mostly by example. You soon realize that taking them to church is more effective than telling them to go to church.
YOU are learning through this whole process. You learn to be loving never abusive. You learn to discipline yes but always in love and never in anger. " Take seriously your responsibility to teach the gospel in your family through regular Family Home Evening, family prayer and scripture reading time and other teaching moments."
Your children deserve to live in a home where love is spoken, discipline is kind and appropriate. They deserve a Father's blessing as needed and a Father who holds and honors the Priesthood as an example as they grow.
Their Physical, Social, Emitional and Spiritual needs must be met if they are to succeed in life.
All too soon they are grown and have children of their own. What type of parents will they be?
We soon realize that " no other success can compensate for failure in the home." (David O McKay.)
"The day will come when you will stand before the Lord and report your stewardship as a Father on earth. Father, Consider Your Ways. What will be your report?
To the Fathers of our grandchildren- We Love You All!
Happy Father's Day!

The Grandparent Chronicles.  ( # 4 )


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