H A P P Y   B I R T H D A Y    B I G   A L   !

On Monday August 6, 2018, the Al and Donna Wade Clan will honor the memory and Birthday of ALFRED BYRON WADE or A.B. or Big Al as he was affectionately called.
I felt it only right that this offering of The Grandparent Chronicles be dedicated to him!

Hopefully, you all have a copy of-
Alfred Byron Wade
Reminiscences On My Life 
(from my earliest recollections to 1985)
Written for My Wife ,Children and Grandchildren

If you don't have a copy just send me your e-mail address and I will see that you get one.
Rather than retell his life here, I think it would be wonderful if we would all gather our families for Family Home Evening on Monday August 6th and read his life story to our family members.  
After the reading share and let your children share their own memories of him.

Some memories my children, their spouses  and grandchildren have shared follow:
  • All the grandkids loved him and wanted to be near him. I remember the little piggys and the squirrels up a big tall tree and bang went the gun. That was a given every time you saw him.  There was a lot of teasing and joking and I think the Wade family got our humor from him.  I have a lot of fond memories selling snow cones at the Pioneer Days Parade, playing in the Stomper Hut, and performing our own parade for the adults at grandma and grandpa's house.  
  • One of my favorite memories of Grandpa is when I was little,  Every time he would come to visit us in Sacramento, he would take us to Albertson's and buy us a candy bar. It was such a small thing but always made me feel so special and loved. I think one of Grandpa's best qualities was that he was able to make everyone feel loved and appreciated just the way they were. His love was unconditional and unwavering.
  • Grandpa would always call us Stinker Pots.
  • Grandpa would pick me fresh bell peppers from his garden.
  • I loved to see his dancing muscles.
  • I loved to feel his strong spirit when I got to talk with him.
  • I grew up without any grandfathers so when I married into the family it was great to be accepted by grandpa.  I always felt like I was just one of his grandkids.  His love was far reaching and unconditional.  To be part of his legacy and be able to feel his great love has truly enriched my life.
  • I remember how much he loved the little kids.  He always got a hearty laugh after he would tease them.  The kids would always have a smile on their face when they were around him.

In 1980 I asked him to write in my scriptures.  Here is some of what he shared with me.
"Your mother and I have been blessed with a wonderful family and we have always been proud of that.  It always makes us happy that you boys and Darla seem to enjoy each other's company and stay close together.  As a rule, our family has been blessed with health and happiness through the years.
Although we have many weaknesses, we have tried to keep our family close to the church because we know- I know that the church is true and have seen proof of the power of the Priesthood many times."

I find it an interesting coincident that in honor of Disabled Veterans, A & W ( could this stand for Al Wade?) is offering, On August 6th,  free root beer floats!  A root beer "freeze"( a float just blended up) was one of Dad's favorite 
So- after your Family Home Evening next Monday- If you decide to head to your local A & W , make a donation to the Disabled Veterans in Dad's honor. Then enjoy your free root beer float for A Family Night Treat.( 2pm-8pm)
I"m pretty sure you'll put a big smile on the face of one of our favorite Celestial residents we affectionately call- BIG AL!

Much Love-   the Grandparent Chronicles


  1. I loved uncle ABs smile....also I thought it was funny when he called my mom Stella Della !!!!


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