C H R I S T M A S   -   The Answer is in the WORD !!

     Have you ever wondered why Christmas is the  " Most Wonderful Time Of The Year" ! ?

The answer is in the Word!  " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the
Word was God" ( John 1:1)  Yes, That Word- CHRIST- the Son of God.
     Now look at the word- CHRISTMAS.  
CHRIST-  The Word, The Son of God, our Savior , our Redeemer, our Advocate with The Father.
MAS- In Spanish means MORE -  More Light, More Kindness, more Generosity and More Joy!
That's what we witness at CHRIST-MAS time, more of Christ and more of all He did and taught!
     When Jesus was born, a new brighter Star appeared- symbolic of Christ himself- The Light of The World.  (Matt 2:2, Hel 14:5 , 2 Ne 10:14)   Common shepherds and great magi (wise men) came seeking Him, The Light of the World.  Today, The humble and the wise STILL Seek Him!
     Jesus's life was one of service and love. He healed the sick, caused the lame to walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear ( I really like that one) and went about doing good. (Acts 10:38).  As we love and serve others they are healed, the spiritually lame are helped to walk, our spiritual blindness and deafness are over come as we go about doing good, acting and becoming more Christ-like. (Matt 5:48, 3 Ne 27:27.)
     As we truly ponder Christ's atoning sacrifice for us in the garden and on the cross, our hearts soften and we become grateful and more sensitive to the needs of others as we realize the selfless love of " Him in whom there was no sin" and we then "stand all amazed at the love Jesus offer Us!"
1 Peter 2:22, 1 John 3:5 and Hymn # 193.)
     It is tender to remember that He prayed for us.  " I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil." (John 17:15)  " I pray for these that thou hast given me- that they may be one even as we are one." ( John 5: 19,30., John 8:29.)
As we pray- "Father not my will by thine be done" , as we seek to do the will of the Father we too become part of God's solution and instruments in His hands for good.
     So- to our posterity and to all whom we know and love, we say-  " Come unto Christ and be perfected in Him! (Moroni 10:32, Ether 12:41)  Seek this Jesus and follow His light.  " Do the works which ye see me do."(Luke 6:46-49). Become one with Christ and be willing to follow His example saying, "Not my will Father but thine be done." (Matt 26:39).
     As we put more of Christ into our lives, we will bring more light, more kindness, more generosity,  more love, into the lives of others and into our own lives.
     We testify that as you make a greater effort to put more of Christ into your life- a miracle will take place and you will " have no more disposition to do evil but to do good continually." (Mosiah 4:2-3, Mosiah 5:2.)   As we are willing to ask, " Lord , what would thou that I should do?" (Acts 9:5-6). 
 we then will "run and not be weary and walk and not faint,"( D 89:18-21.) We will see more clearly and hear the words of life more distinctly.  The "Joy to the World" ( Hymn #201) will transform into joy in Our Very Own World.
     Why is this " The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!"     The answer truly is in The Word of
God, even Jesus Christ and in the word CHRIST-MAS, More Christ!

     Merry CHRIST-MAS to you all! All year long!

                      Much Love-   The Grandparent Chronicles

PS-  We hope you will take time as a family to read all the above scripture references and Ponder them  in your hearts.


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