C A L L E D   T O    S E R V E                  On-     3/12/2019

Dear Family and Friends-     Annette and I have received our mission call!
     We have been called to serve in the Ukraine Kyiv/Moldova Mission.  We enter the mission training center in Provo Utah on June 3rd for 5 days then off to Kyiv for 2 years.  Our assignment is to serve in the Mission office and/ or at the discretion of the Mission President.  President Edwin C. Kumferman and his wife Karen are from Rexburg, Idaho where he was a professor of Russian at BYU Idaho.  Ours is an English speaking mission but we hope to be able to learn a little Ukrainian or Russian to better communicate while we are there.
     We will dearly miss our 6 wonderful children, their amazing spouses and our 21 adorable grand children, but believe that they will all be cared for and blessed by the Lord through our sacrifice and service.
     We believe that we have been called by God through a living prophet, Russell M. Nelson.  Ukraine was no where on our list of preferred destinations but we are willing to serve where we are most needed and where we pray we will do the most good.
     We will be sharing the message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ- that God loves all his children so much that He has provided, through proper Priesthood authority, for families to be united not just "til death do you part" but for eternity!  There is now a temple in Kyiv and we are excited to share these blessings with a people who were politically oppressed and deprived of this " message of light" for much too long.
     We will miss you all but hope to keep a modest presence on social media, to continue our monthly blog at- thegrandparentchronicles.blogspot.com , to keep in touch by weekly phone calls to family and by keeping you all in our prayers as we hope to be remembered in yours.
     Much Love-   The Grand Parent Chronicles
                             Bruce and Annette Wade

Our acceptance letter follows-

Dear Brethren,  
     Sister Wade and I are pleased to accept the call to serve in the Ukraine Kyiv/Moldova Mission.  We look forward to getting to know and working with the saints in that part of God's beautiful world.
We will enjoy learning of their culture and customs and sharing our testimonies of the restored gospel.  We will try to learn their language to better communicate but are thankful that we are already familiar with the language of the spirit and are excited to speak that language of love to member and non-member as soon as we arrive!  We believe that this is where the Lord would have us serve and will serve with heart and soul.  We appreciate the Lord's trust in us and are trusting our 6 children, their spouses and 21 adorable grandchildren to the Lord's keeping while we serve so far away from home.
With Love-   Bruce and Annette Wade


  1. Thank you for letting me know. I am excited for both of you. This will be a great mission loaded with experiences. I wish you well

    Mitch Scott
    Annette Scott


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