A  W h o l e  N e w  W o r l d !

When the new version of Disney’s Aladdin recently came out, we were privileged to take our Sacramento grandchildren to see it.  I love the story, the symbolism and messages even parallels of life that can be seen throughout the movie- even “A whole New World!”
Come with me as if on a “magic carpet ride” as we view this amazing scene through spiritual eyes.
A poor street urchin meets a wonderful young woman and catches a vision of what life could be.
He takes risks and gets out of his comfort zone. Though dangerous, he dares to go where few others go and discovers a magic lamp. With this lamp comes a gift, a new companion, even a Genie who declares - “You ain’t never had a friend like me!” This amazing new friend and companion helps him become a new person- even- “ Prince Ali- Marvelous He!” This new gift must be used carefully as he soon discovers. Through poor choices and deceit he loses the gift and as a result, experiences difficulties for himself and those he loves. Finally he realizes he must change, so through great effort and “a little help from his friend “ he does change, he conquers his enemy and is restored to the joy He had previously sought through false pretenses.
He chooses to do the right thing - even if it costs him his desired happiness. Because of his decision to do the right thing- he soon becomes more than he could have imagined! This “ Whole new world “ becomes his new reality!
     Our short time here in Ukraine has seemed to us to be in some respects a “Whole New World .“
The sights and sounds, the food and scenery are new and exciting. No doubt, through time the newness will fade and if we aren’t careful , if we begin taking it all for granted, the excitement will wear off and we will discover that this “whole New World” is just the same old world with it’s trials and mixture of good and bad that we left behind.
     So where do we find the excitement Aladdin discovered? Where is the “happy ever after”? Where do we discover this “Whole New World” that can bring us lasting joy?  I believe this transcendent Joy can be found anywhere in the world- IF we take the risk to leave our old ways and become a “New Creature “ in Jesus Christ. ( 2 Corinthians 5:17). “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” Better than a genie in a lamp, as we turn to Christ, we can qualify to receive the Holy Ghost as our constant companion . ( and , I might add, “ you ain’t never had a friend like him!”) (D& C 121:46) “The Holt Ghost shall be thy constant companion, and thy scepter an unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth; and thy dominion shall be an everlasting dominion, and without compulsory means it shall flow unto thee forever and ever.” Think about that, a friend even better than a genie in a lamp!  As we “rub” up to the scriptures , we realize the importance of repenting of any false pretenses and determine to stay on the covenant path, we soon discover the true happy state we had sought but could never really find in any other way! Better than three wishes from a genie, we then will have access to all the Father has.  (1Corinthians 2:9)”... Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard neither hath entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”
     That’s what our friend Aladdin discovered and what you can discover too- even “ A Whole New World!”
Much Love- The Grandparent Chronicles


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