
Showing posts from July, 2019

Faith faith of our Fathers ( and Mothers!)

                                    FAITH OF OUR FATHERS ( and MOTHERS !)      In the very last verse of the very last chapter in the very last book of the Old Testament we read “And he shall turn the heart of the father’s to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.” (Malachi 4:6). We usually associate that scripture with genealogy and the need to do Temple work for our ancestors. This time of years we have other reasons to turn our hearts to our fathers.  Hymns # 84 reminds us that it is the Faith of our Fathers (and of course our Mothers) that should endear us to them and to which we must be true.  I especially like verse # 2 - “ Faith of our Fathers, we will strive to win all nations unto thee, and thru the truth that comes from God, mankind shall then be truly free. Faith of our fathers, holy faith, We will be true to thee til death!” Here in Ukraine and throughout the world, God’s kingdom on earth is trying to br