Faith faith of our Fathers ( and Mothers!)

     In the very last verse of the very last chapter in the very last book of the Old Testament we read “And he shall turn the heart of the father’s to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.” (Malachi 4:6). We usually associate that scripture with genealogy and the need to do Temple work for our ancestors. This time of years we have other reasons to turn our hearts to our fathers.  Hymns # 84 reminds us that it is the Faith of our Fathers (and of course our Mothers) that should endear us to them and to which we must be true.  I especially like verse # 2 - “ Faith of our Fathers, we will strive to win all nations unto thee, and thru the truth that comes from God, mankind shall then be truly free. Faith of our fathers, holy faith, We will be true to thee til death!” Here in Ukraine and throughout the world, God’s kingdom on earth is trying to bring the nations of the earth to a knowledge of the Faith of our Fathers.
     The Faith of our Religious Fathers is apparent as we review scriptural accounts of their faith.
“ By Faith they passed through the Red Sea as by dry land: which the Egyptians assaying to do were drowned. By Faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they were compasses about seven days.” (Hebrews 11:29-30.) All the scriptures are full of accounts of the Faith of our Fathers!
     The month of July gives us reason to turn our hearts to the Fathers of our Nation as we on the 4th of July celebrate the birth of our nation . John Adams, our 2nd President said,  “ You will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it!” When I was sixteen, I was privileged to spend a month in Virginia near Washington DC with my Uncle & Aunt and cousin Jeannie. I will never forget how I felt as I read around the rotunda of the Jefferson memorial,  “God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberty of a nation be secure if we have removed the conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?”
     The Faith of our Ancestral Fathers comes to mind as we celebrate on the 24 th of July, the Faith of our pioneers. William James Johnstun - my great, great grandfather on my mother’s side was one such Faithful Ancestral Father. He was a member of the Mormon battalion, he was at Sutter’s Mill when gold was discovered  and endured trials that would test the faith of any, yet he stayed true to the Faith of his fathers. Jasper Carolina Wade, my great grandfather on my father’s side was a humble farmer in Alabama who was driving his horse and wagon to town when in broad daylight saw a vision of two young men in white shirts bringing him the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Because of his faith our Wade Family joined the church. I am thankful for the Faith of our Ancestral Fathers.
      On August 6 th ( and all year long) my heart is turned to my very own Father, Alfred Byron Wade, who was always an example to his posterity.  As a young father myself I turned to him for help and advise. At my request he recorded his testimony in my scriptures and said; “ We have tried to keep our children close to the church because we know, I know it is true and have seen proof of the power of the Priesthood many times.” My sweet mother wrote; “ I want you and your children to know, that I know that God hears and answers our prayers. He cares for us as we do our children and
wants only what is best for us. I know that the LDS church is the true church of Jesus Christ and that he directs it here on earth. I have proven this numerous times in my life , so I know for myself that this is so. Never doubt it, and if you do, pray for understanding and he will guide you.” My heart is definitely turned to my own loving parents.
     As you and I contemplate the Faith of our Fathers- Religious, National, Ancestral and Paternal, I promise that our hearts will also turn to our Heavenly Father and Mother.

As you teach your children of the Faith of their Fathers and Mothers, they in turn will turn their hearts to them, to their Heavenly parents and yes even to you- our very favorite Fathers and Mothers ! For you and your Faith we give thanks to our Father in Heaven daily!

Much tender love to you all!

The Grandparent Chronicles


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