Is the HOLY GHOST Your Constant Companion?

                                       Is The Holy Ghost YOUR Constant Companion?

    Not long after Joseph Smith was martyred, he appeared to Brigham Young in a dream .
“Tell the people to be humble and faithful and to be sure to keep the Spirit of the Lord and it will lead them right. Be careful and not turn away the still small voice; it will teach them what to do and where to go; it will yield the fruits of the kingdom. Tell the brethren to keep their hearts open to conviction so that when the Holy Ghost comes to them, their hearts will be ready to receive it.”
     Of all the messages Joseph could have shared with Brigham to teach the people, the importance of keeping in tune with the Holy Ghost was most important.  Gary E. Stevenson of the quorum of the 12
Apostles explained, “ The Holy Ghost helps us overcome sin and replace it with a love of righteousness and an ability to keep God’s commandments.” That’s the kind of help we can all use!
     Harold B. Lee shared the following. “I was probably about eight years of age, or younger, when I was taken by my father to a farm some distance away. While he worked I tried to busy myself with things a young boy would. The day was hot and dusty and I played about until I was tired. Over the fence was a broken-down shed that looked very interesting to me. In my mind I thought of this broken-down shed as a castle that I would like to explore, so I went to the fence and started to climb through to go over to that shed.  There came a voice to me that said this very significant thing, ‘Harold , don’t go in there!’ I looked about to see who was speaking my name. My father was way up at the other end of the field. He could not see what I was doing. There was no speaker in sight. Then I realized that someone that I could not see was warning me not to go over there.  What was over there, I shall never know, but I learned early that there are those beyond our sight that could talk to us.” We may never know what dangers we avoid but sometimes we will know exactly how we were spared . President Wilford Woodruff shared such an experience he once had. One night while President Woodruff, his wife , and their four children were on a journey, they stopped to sleep at a friends house. Three of the children slept in the house while President Woodruff, his wife, and one child slept outside in the carriage. President Woodruff said: “ I had been in bed but a short time when
A voice said to me:’get up and move your carriage.’ It was not thunder, lightning or an earthquake, but the still small voice of the Spirit of God- the Holy Ghost...I got up and moved my carriage...and set it by the side of the house. As I was returning to bed the same spirit said to me, ‘Go and move your mules away from that oak tree’...I moved them to a young hickory grove and tied them up. I went to bed. In thirty minutes a whirlwind caught the tree to which my mules had been fastened, broke it off near the ground, and carried it one hundred yards, sweeping away two fences in it’s course , and laid it... where my carriage (had) obeying the revelation of the Spirit of God to me I saved my life and the lives of my wife and child, as well as my animals.”  The Holy Ghost is a revelator and He can warn us of problems ahead of us if we will just listen and obey.
     David A. Bednar of The quorum of the 12 Apostles said, one of the most often asked questions
he receives as he travels and meets with the saints is, “ How do I know when it is the Holy Ghost giving prompting or is it just me?” His answer is , “ stop worrying about it, if you are living the commandments, keeping your covenants, the Holy Ghost will be there to direct you as long as you are moving forward. You have to get off the couch and do something and the Holy Ghost will be there to direct you. If you are not moving the Holy Ghost can not direct you!”
     When Nephi went to try for the 3 rd time to get the brass plates from Laban he (1Nephi 4:6)
“Was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do.”
      I know personally that the Holy Ghost can direct us if we listen to and act upon his promptings.
In 2013 I received a prompting that Bruce should go visit his Dad in Utah , who was sick with Lymphoma but certainly not on his death bed. He agreed and we arranged for him to be there the
weekend after April general conference so they could have more time to visit. Bruce explained.
“When I arrived Mom and Dad were both happy to see me and we had a great visit. Mom explained that Dad had kept asking her, when is Bruce coming? When it was time for bed I prayed and asked Dad if he would like a Priesthood blessing. He said he would like that and it felt so good to lay my hands on his head and pronounce a blessing from heaven. Mom and Dad went to bed and read scriptures as they had done for years. Dad wanted mom to keep reading but finally around 1 pm she was so tired that she couldn’t continue and they both finally went to sleep. In the morning Dad was not alert as he had been the night before. He tried to eat breakfast but it came right back up. He sat in his recliner and Michael’s Lilly sat on his lap. He was not able to say much and around 10:00am he bowed his head as if to sleep but he was gone. I tried gently to wake him but knew that he had passed away. We called a nurse in Croydon who came and pronounced him deceased. The entire event was somewhat surreal yet very peaceful. We all feel the spirit of the Holy Ghost present and powerful. When the mortuary came to take Dad we asked to say a final prayer. They also commented on the spirit they felt. Lilly was not frightened at all but lovingly stroked his hair. Had Annette not listen to the spirit and heeded the prompting she received, I would have miss a tender mercy from heaven and I will forever be grateful to her and heaven t
hat I was able to be there to visit with my Dad and be there for Mom when dad was called home.”
We testify that Heavenly Father knows you and loves you. He will help and bless you if you try to live the commandments , read the scriptures, attend church and pray. These things help us feel spiritual feelings and help us discern the spirit when he speaks to us. We testify that the help from heaven will come and your efforts will be richly rewarded.
     We hope that each one of you will seriously ponder the question- Is the Holy Ghost MY Constant
Companion? If the honest answer is no then you are no doubt normal but know that you can have that blessing if you work hard to receive it- you’ll be glad you did!
Much love-
The Grandparent Chronicles


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