
Showing posts from March, 2020

Coronavirus 2020

This is an actual picture we took recently on our return flight from Kiev, Ukraine. All Senior couples were being sent home from their missions as a precaution. Should we contact the Coronavirus affecting the entire world and now labeled a Pandemic , we would be home where we could receive proper medical care and be close to loved ones. We were sad but obedient. You know that we enjoy finding a Spiritual corollary or lesson in real life events or even objects. Jesus was very effective in taking common objects that the people were  familiar with and using them to teach great Spiritual lessons the people could remember and then apply. His parables are as pertinent today as when he gave them. When We saw this Facebook Post from a dear friend , Julie McKinney, We immediately recognized it as Grandparent Chronicles worthy. We are uncertain if she is the original author or if someone else should be credited. We imagine if it’s on Facebook, we are  free to pass it on. Know with certainty