Coronavirus 2020

This is an actual picture we took recently on our return flight from Kiev, Ukraine.
All Senior couples were being sent home from their missions as a precaution. Should we contact the Coronavirus affecting the entire world and now labeled a Pandemic , we would be home where we could receive proper medical care and be close to loved ones. We were sad but obedient.
You know that we enjoy finding a Spiritual corollary or lesson in real life events or even objects. Jesus was very effective in taking common objects that the people were  familiar with and using them to teach great Spiritual lessons the people could remember and then apply. His parables are as pertinent today as when he gave them. When We saw this Facebook Post from a dear friend , Julie McKinney, We immediately recognized it as Grandparent Chronicles worthy. We are uncertain if she is the original author or if someone else should be credited. We imagine if it’s on Facebook, we are  free to pass it on. Know with certainty that we are not the author. We are grateful that there are others who are far more cleaver than we are.
As you read the following, we hope you enjoy the parallelism to life. We encourage you to ponder the analogy comparing Life to a Flight! Now, buckle-up and prepare for take off! so we quote:
“ Hello, welcome to flight #2020. We are prepared to take off into the New Year. Please make sure your Attitude and Blessings are secure and locked in an upright position. All self-destructive devises should be turned off at this time. All negativity, hurt and discouragement should be put away. Should we lose Altitude under pressure during the flight, reach up and pull down a prayer. Prayers will automatically be activated by Faith. Once your Faith is activated you can assist other passengers. There will be NO BAGGAGE allowed on this flight. The captain (God) has cleared us for takeoff. Destination- GREATNESS.” Isn’t that a good analogy?!
As you ponder this analogy- let your mind “Soar” as you consider other flight to life comparisons and enlarge this analogy with all it’s possibilities. You might consider doing this as a family for Family Home Evening or one Come Follow Me discussion. Here are just a few we came up with.
. If God is the Pilot- what role does Jesus Christ fill?
. Who are the Stewardesses?
. Who is in the Control Tower?
. What could the Airplane represent?
. What of the oxygen mask?
. What of the life jacket?
. What and who nourishes us on our long flight?
. What’s necessary for a Safe Landing?
. What could represent the seat belt?
How many more comparisons can Your family come up with?
As you continue your Flight through life, we hope you enjoy the flight, we hope you experience very little Turbulence and that you chose to be on the Right flight that will take you to the correct destination where we hope to have family and friends to Welcome you Home!

Much Love-
The Grandparent Chronicles


  1. Flight turblence has its rewards. We become more teachable and actually recieve some help offered.The right flight leads me closer to family, friends, truth, and the atonement. Thank goodness no baggage is allowed. So much lighter. Love your post.


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