
Showing posts from April, 2020

Self Isolation

SELF ISOLATION Has become a common term used during this COVID 19 world wide Pandemic we are all experiencing. Upon our return from Ukraine, we were asked to “ Self Isolate” for 14 days to make sure we hadn’t contracted anything bad on the flight home. Self Isolation should not be mistaken with Quarantine which is the compulsory separation and confinement of healthy individuals who have potentially been exposed to anything contagious to prevent it’s spread. Self Isolation is when one voluntarily isolates oneself in an effort to prevent a contagious disease or virus from being contracted by you or spread to others . Self Isolation can be good or bad depending on it’s purpose. If we can help prevent the spread of a pandemic it becomes a selfless act of charity. Spiritual Self Isolation  can be a time for introspection, prayer and communion with God, a time to count your blessings and rejuvenate spiritually.  Enos in the Book of Mormon experienced this type of Self Isolation when he t