Self Isolation

SELF ISOLATION Has become a common term used during this COVID 19 world wide Pandemic we are all experiencing. Upon our return from Ukraine, we were asked to “ Self Isolate” for 14 days to make sure we hadn’t contracted anything bad on the flight home. Self Isolation should not be mistaken with Quarantine which is the compulsory separation and confinement of healthy individuals who have potentially been exposed to anything contagious to prevent it’s spread. Self Isolation is when one voluntarily isolates oneself in an effort to prevent a contagious disease or virus from being contracted by you or spread to others .
Self Isolation can be good or bad depending on it’s purpose. If we can help prevent the spread of a pandemic it becomes a selfless act of charity.
Spiritual Self Isolation  can be a time for introspection, prayer and communion with God, a time to count your blessings and rejuvenate spiritually.  Enos in the Book of Mormon experienced this type of Self Isolation when he tells us that he went to hunt beasts in the forest. (Enos 1:3-5) ...and the joy of the saints, sunk deep into my heart. And my soul hungered; and I knelt before my maker and I cried unto him in mighty prayer and supplication for mine own soul; and all the day long did I cry unto him; yea, and when the night came I did still raise my voice high that it reached the heavens. And there came a voice to me, saying; Enos, thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou shalt be blessed.”
Likewise, the young Joseph Smith Jr. was rewarded with a rich spiritual experience when he Isolated himself in a grove of trees to petition the lord in prayer. His Self Isolation resulted in the great latter-day restoration from which we are now still benefitting. Our Self Isolation in personal study, pondering and prayer can greatly bless and enrich our individual lives.
Prophets have warned us through  the ages as did Alma (Alma 5:57) “ And now I say unto you, all ye that are desirous to follow the voice of the good shepherd, come ye our from the wicked, and be ye separate, and touch not their unclean things.” Prophets know that wickedness can be even more deadly spiritually than a dreaded virus can be to the body.
In spite of the obvious benefits of Self Isolation , we must be aware that satan also can use Self Isolation to accomplish his purposes. Satan would isolate us from the righteous influence of others and uses isolation to discourage us or even depress us. He tried this tactic with Jesus,(Matt 4:2-3) and when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights (alone and by himself) he was afterward an hungered...the tempter came unto him and said, if thou be the son of god, command that these stones be made bread.” He tried this tactic with Moses. ( Moses 1:9,16) Moses was left to himself...satan came tempting him saying, Moses, son of man, worship me.” Joseph Smith recounts in his history,(JSH 15) after I had retired where I had previously designed to go...I was seized upon by some power which entirely overcame me. But exerting all my powers to call upon God to deliver me...I saw a pillar of light.” And Satan will try to isolate you to exploit your weaknesses.
Isaiah reminds us that at times we separate ourselves from God . ( Isaiah 59:2) “ your iniquities have separated you from your God.”( D&C 93:34) reminds us that “ when separated, man cannot receive a fullness of joy.”
To summarize then, Self Isolation can be good if we are selflessly trying to prevent the spread of a deadly disease or virus. But we must always remember that Satan will try to isolate us from righteous influences through sin or discouragement or depression. If we are aware and alert we can avoid Satan’s ruse. As the apostle Paul reminds us in (Romans 8:35) “ Who can separate us from the love of Christ?” Certainly, no one and no power, unless we allow it.
So as we continue through the coarse of this world wide pandemic- let us be careful to appropriately Self Isolate physically to help keep ourselves and others physically safe. Let us use this time to purposefully Self Isolate in personal study, pondering and prayer. Let’s  be extra careful to not Isolate ourselves spiritually through sin or allow Satan to Isolate us through discouragement, depression or despair. Rather, may we always remember through our period of Self Isolation that we never really can Isolate ourselves from the Love of Jesus Christ!

Much love- The Grandparent Chronicles


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