Annette Cay Stone Wade

                             T O-     ANNETTE !   HAPPY  65TH !!!🎂.                          May 26, 2020

1955 was a good year! May was especially a good month! Disneyland opened in Anaheim, California but more importantly, Annette Cay Stone was born on May 26th! Annette was the 1st born of high school sweethearts, Dennis Roy Stone and Naomi Kay Phipps.  This issue of The Grandparent Chronicles is dedicated to this amazing lady. Bruce K. Wade was the fortunate man blessed to marry her on August 30,1973 for time and all eternity, in the Salt Lake Temple.. There marriage was blessed with six children including two sets of twins! Blake, Aaron, then Cami & Curt (twins) and Julie & Janeece- (also twins). All six children are contributors to this issue, her two daughters-in-law as well as several grandchildren. As you read each contribution, the impact Annette has made on their lives will be apparent.
My favorite memories as a child was eating open faced microwaved cheese sandwiches and homemade salsa with mom as we watched Emergency.  I wonder if that had a subliminal effect on me choosing the career I did.(Blake is a fireman).Although sometimes we’d watch The Wild Wild West or the Dukes of Hazzard, and I’m not a gun slinger or a bootlegger.  Anyway, mom was the best at feeding us kids and making us feel special.  She continues doing this with her grandkids.  My kids LOOOOOVE grandma, and each have special memories with her whether it’s making cinnamon rolls, cookies, freezer jam, crepes, colored popcorn, or just eating cups of powdered sugar.  She always knows how to make someone feel welcomed and loved and the center of her attention.  She has even done this with her daughters in-law and sons in-law and they in turn love her like their own mother.
Blake’s MICHELLE said- Dearest Annette, I feel blessed to be the 1st to “infiltrate” this amazing family. I have never felt more accepted and spoiled in my life. It may not have been the easiest or best road to travel but I was able to make it with a ton of support from you! Raising kiddos is hard but you have given me an amazing example. Now, with my Mom gone I still have an amazing Mother to go to when I have questions or concerns.  Thanks for being such an amazing person with a great amount of love for everyone around you. Love you to the moon and back!
Man where to start?  Mom is the BEST!  Always so loving and kind don't 
think I have ever heard her complain or say something negative.  She is 
patient, loving, kind, supportive and the best cook ever!  I remember me 
and my friends would love to come to our house because there was always 
good food!  Homecooked meals that no one could turn down. She is always 
serving people by fixing them food or treats.  Chocolate chip cookies 
and homemade chocolate candies are my favorite!   I am sure your grocery 
bill was astounding.  She always welcomed and made my friends feel 
comfortable even when everyone knew we were doing things she didn't 
approve of.  We just felt loved.  She is always doing nice things like 
the time she kept secretly filling up my hot tamale box so it lasted for 
over a week!  She is so patient.  Not sure how many times we broke her 
nativity set by playing ball in the house and I am sure she shed several 
tears over it even then she was patient with us.  Supportive of our 
activities and sports always sacrificing her time so we could do the 
things we wanted to.  I love how she treats the grandkids especially the 
teenagers who need it the most and are trying to figure out life.  She 
always makes them feel good about themselves by telling them they are 
cute, hugging on them and building them up. Always up for an adventure 
like fishing and crabbing in Oregon or hiking or serving a mission in 
Ukraine!  A true example to us all.  LOVE YOU TONS MOM!  Happy 65th!!
Ryan said- that it's special to him when Grandma makes cookies and pumpkin pies with him.
Kyrsten said- that Grandma is great at pointing out Silver linings and creating them. Grandma also always cheers us up.
For me, Grandma has always been my best friend. She has a special relationship with all of us. 
I don't know if she wants anyone else to know but we used to have a secret. When I was a lot younger, she would take me to McDonald's for Sundaes. We would just sit in the car and talk about my problems. When we got home, we would throw away the "Evidence" so nobody would know what we did. That was special for me and something that I am doing with my own kids. Mom always has a way of making everyone feel like they are her favorite!
Love you, Cami
Honestly, It’s hard for me to think of a major instance or event/ time that she did something that just caught me off guard and or taught me an instant life lesson etc...Someone that loves and cares for people so incredibly consistently and unconditionally like Mom does is amazing to me. 
Mom...words simply can’t do justice for how much I love you and what you mean to me. I hope that I can portray a tiny piece of how blessed I feel to have you as my Mom. Dad asked me to think of a memory or somethin about you that sticks out in my mind or that is special to me...I have lots of good memories as a kid and adult about you. From hand making everyone’s favorite cake for their birthdays to driving endless hours to school, games, tournaments, practices etc, etc. I’ve gotten countless packages and or notes in the mail. Treats or cute saying or just anything to let me know I’m bein thought of. You’ve been there to hear me blubber and cry and worry to you. Every time, before we hang up, I’m reminded just how much you love me and my family. You’ve traveled to be there for the ones you love like seein miss Aspynn when she was in the hospital. You travel thousands of miles to a foreign world to serve the people of Ukraine. You treat my Dad amazing and love him and serve great together. There really are endless attributes and little memories that portray  just how amazing you are. Ultimately though, the most amazing thing is just how much love you have for people. You see beauty in people lots of times way before they do. Then you work your magic and touch their hearts and help them realize it too. Mom I love you so much and am so blessed to have you in my life. Thank you for the great example you have been to me and my family. You are simply amazing and I hope you have the best birthday ever! 
Aspynn Sue said- So, I remember the story of when Conner and I went to California and Janelle threw Connor’s shoe on the roof so grandma went out and bought us all a new pair of shoes❤️ I also remember her reading me books when a scary part of a movie was coming up❤️
Angela ( LaLa) said-So yummy! I remember when I was in California and grandma and I made crepes in the morning for grandpa and Bryson and when she gave me my own special bowl of powdered sugar so I wouldn’t have to share.
Alan said- I remember when we went to the fair and she made fun of Hillary Clinton.
One of the best memories I have of Mom is that she always supported me while playing sports. When Janeece and I were playing softball, she drove us to every practice, watched every game and always made sure we had clean uniforms to wear. In High School, the other girls on my volleyball team would comment on how Mom was always in the bleachers cheering me on every game. I felt so loved and lucky to have a mother like that.  Looking back, I realize she could have been doing a million other things with her time, but the fact that she spent her time rooting for me means the world to me.  Mom has always been my #1 cheerleader and I am so blessed to have her love and support in all aspects of my life. Thanks for always being there for me, Mom. I love you!
My Mom is the most kind, loving, empathetic, and thoughtful person in the world!! I love her so much. I hope she knows how much she is loved, appreciated, and admired. 
One of my favorite memories growing up is that my Mom would love to surprise Julie and me with special gifts and treats. After early morning seminary, we would find breakfast on our car seat. Whether is was breakfast burritos, doughnuts, or egg sandwiches, we always knew it would be something yummy, but we never knew when we would get a special surprise. It was so fun!! More than once we would come home from school and there would be cookies or a fruit smoothie made for us, not to mention that she made delicious and healthy meals for us almost daily. She is incredibly thoughtful. This didn’t stop after we left the house. I remember for my 21st birthday she made and mailed a rice crispy birthday bouquet. I also remember having an especially rough day after I had moved away from home. I came home to find a package from my Mom with a sweet note and gift delivered to me when I truly needed it. It’s hard to believe just how much she thinks of others! Now my kids get to enjoy their thoughtful Grandma as she loves to send them care packages, birthday and holiday gifts, family home evening lessons, and spoils them with snow cones, colored popcorn, and ice cream when we see each other. We all love Grandma Wade.
My Mom’s compassion and kindness exceeds any that I’ve ever known. She is full of love and sees people as Christ sees them. She just loves them. I remember she visited my ward on one occasion and met a lady named Nicky. Nicky is a special friend with a genetic disorder that causes learning disabilities and slurred speech. Every time she visited my ward she would seek out Nicky, give her a huge hug, and would ask her how she was doing. She loved Nicky. 
My Mom is also very empathetic. She is constantly helping me see the best in people, giving others the benefit of the doubt, and forgiving. Nothing irritates me more than when she takes my husband’s side in an argument and wants me to see how he might feel. But I truly love her for it. I love how she can see all sides to any argument and can put herself in anyone’s shoes. 
I love our girl retreats, pedicures, and movie nights. I love our sweet potato fries, Coke’s, and Dove dark chocolate. We all feel so safe, special, and loved when my Mom is around. I love you Mom. Thank you for being you! Happy Birthday!!

Notes from 

                                                                                                            More notes & pictures from
Note from Aaron’s HEATHER

                                                                                        The Fruits of her Labor- 6 and all Amazing!    

A few events from Annette’s life -
When she was very young, her parents were painting their house. Annette was thirsty and saw what she thought was a glass of milk so she took a drink. The glass actually contained paint thinner with white paint from a paint brush. She survived that experience but I can’t help wondering if that’s why  milk is not her favorite to this day.
Her Junior High School was far away so every day her dad would drive Annette and friends to school. One foggy, icy winter day her father had an urgent impression to stop the car. He slammed on the breaks which normally would have thrown the car into a terrible out of control slide, this time however, the car stopped as on a dime. Seconds later a Speeding freight train roared past them on the train tracks just in front of them! Had her father ignored his prompting he and all his passengers, including our cherished Annette, would have been instantly killed. ( this was before crossing rails and lights were installed at train crossings.)
I am the lucky guy who was blessed to marry Annette! Not sure what I may have done in the pre-existence to deserve that privilege but I am eternally grateful! I definitely witnessed heaven’s hand in our getting together. There is a longer version but a shorter one will suffice here.
In contemplating the biggest decision of my life, I went to the Ogden Temple fasting and praying if she was the one for me. While in the Celestial room praying I had the most powerful spiritual feeling come over me that electrified my whole body like nothing I had experienced before. It was a more powerful answer to prayer than I had ever had. As I left the Celestial room I was still stunned by what had just happened. As I opened my locker to change back into my street clothes, I noticed a small label at the bottom of the locker. I hadn’t noticed it before and was curious so I picked it up . As I read it the same spirit electrified me once again. On any other day, it would have meant nothing but that day I had gone to the temple to ask if Annette STONE  was the one I should marry and the label read: GENUINE GOLD STONE! I have that label to this day but more importantly, I have the memory of how I felt in the Celestial room of the temple and again as I read God’s tender mercy to me that special day. Annette has truly been Golden to me! We have a sweet marriage, lots of wonderful memories and I look forward to spending an eternity of joy with this amazing and talented  daughter of God. I love you Annette ( but then you know that!) May you continue to enjoy good health, your 6 terrific children , their spouses and our 21 adorable grandchildren! Thanks for all you do and all you are!! All my love, Always! Happy 65th Birthday!!!   Bruce

Much Love- The Grandparent Chronicles


  1. Happy Birthday Annette! I believe you are a saint. Who else would enjoy living with Bruce all these years?! 😉


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