Oh Soyez Sage, Que Puis-Je Dire De Plus ?


                       OH SOYEZ SAGE, QUE PUIS-JE DIRE DE PLUS ?


This phrase- “ Oh soyez sage, que puis-je dire de plus?”  may not be a recognized phrase to our grandchildren but should be very familiar to our children!  This is a French phrase, actually a scripture in French.  It is the French translation of the Book of Mormon scripture found in Jacob 6:12 which reads in English- “Oh be wise, what can I say more?” This phrase became to our family like a family motto. This was our “go to” phrase when our kids would go out with friends or on a date reminding them to be wise in their choices and actions.  Having served a mission to France and Belgium, this French scripture became a unique way to remind our children and to help them remember to make wise choices. They were being reminded in a way they knew what meant but one that they were not embarrassed by because their friends had no idea what was being conveyed.  It became a “Reader’s Digest” version of the typical parent to child lecture given, with good intention no doubt, and falling on deaf teenager ears , again, no doubt!  Whether this admonition meant anything to them or not , from the parent, it’s counsel was well intentioned and sincere. 

In order for our grandchildren to potentially gain from this phrase, and by way of review for our children, lets look closer at the book of Jacob and see what lead the prophet/parent Jacob to make such a plea to his loved ones.  Jacob has just reviewed in chapter 5 the longest allegory in the Book of Mormon. He recites Zeno’s story of the Lord of the vineyard and the tame and wild olive trees comparing them to us, the children of Israel and all the efforts of the Lord to save us. Then in chapter 6 comes the summary and his parental plea, (Jacob 6:8) he asks his posterity; “will ye reject these words? Will ye reject the words of the prophets; and will ye reject all the words which have been spoken concerning Christ, after so many have spoken concerning him; and deny the good word of Christ, and the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost, and quench the Holy Spirit, and make a mock of the great plan of redemption , which hath been laid for you?” (v-11) Oh then, my beloved brethren, repent ye, and enter in at the straight gate, and continue in the way which is narrow, until ye shall obtain eternal life.” Then comes his admonition to be wise.

We are certain that you are all for being wise, but how do we get wisdom ? Where do we find it? The young Solomon asked the Lord for wisdom to judge his people and to discern between good and bad. The Lord granted his request and gave him a “wise and understanding heart.” ( 1 Kings 3:9,12)

The apostle Paul counseled the young Timothy ( 2 Tim 3:15) reminding him that, “from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”

Moroni explains that stories of real people, both good and bad, are in the scriptures so that we can observe their life choices “ that ye may learn to be more wise than we have been.” ( Mormon 9:31)

But doesn’t it take years of life experiences and even mistakes to gain the wisdom necessary to make wise choices?  Alma tells us that we can learn to be wise while still young.  (Alma 37:35) “ O, remember, my son, and learn wisdom in thy youth; yea, learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God.”

So to summarize:  We should all desire to be more wise than we currently are in order to navigate life more successfully.

  We gain in wisdom by:

1-     Asking God for wisdom (as did Solomon)

2-     Scripture Study – even from our youth ( as did Timothy) which testify of Christ.

3-     Studying the lives of others and learning from their successes and failures ( as Moroni taught) so that we can learn to be wiser than they were.

4-     Start seeking wisdom early  ( as Alma encouraged his sons to do) realizing that we can develop wisdom at all stages of life.

We pray for your success and that you will remember to seek for Wisdom and try to be wise in all your choices. Not for the wisdom of the world so much as the wisdom which will help you discern and choose good over evil. Which will lead to greater happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come.

In closing we simply say- “ OH, SOYEZ SAGE, QUE PUIS-JE DIRE DE PLUS!”

Much love-  

The Grandparent Chronicles


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