W H O   C A N   I   T R U S T   ?

Have you ever participated in the group activity where you fall backward and hope the group members catch you?   Its’ purpose is to develop TRUST in the group.  It can be a scary proposition to trust to that point, especially when you think about how it might hurt if they don’t catch you!

If we put our trust in others who are not trustworthy, the results can be painful physically and emotionally.  Who can we trust?  Who should we trust? The scriptures can help us know where it’s safe to place our trust. Nephi tells us who he trusted. “O Lord, I have Trusted in Thee, and I will Trust in Thee forever.  I will not put my Trust in the arm of flesh…” (2 Ne 4:34)  Proverbs reminds us to “ Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”  ( Proverbs 3: 5-6.) 

Trusting the Lord has been a true Principle that I’ve had to re-learn throughout my life, perhaps you have struggled with this principle as well, but it’s a principle to be cherished and embraced. 

As a young boy – I learned I could Trust the Lord to answer my prayers.  ( See GP Chronicles-Bruce Kaye Wade JUNE 29, 2020.)

As a teenager-  I discovered that the Lord would help me fight my battles, IF my cause was just. (See GP Chronicles -Bruce Kaye Wade June 29, 2020.)

As a young missionary struggling to learn a new language- I found that I could trust the Lord for help. (See GP Chronicles – The Test of Discipleship April 14,2019.)

As a young man seeking an eternal companion- I realized that if I approached things His way- I could trust that he could help me in amazing ways! ( See GP Chronicles-Annette Cay Stone Wade  May 26,2020.)

As a Senior missionary couple- we trusted that the Lord could send us to a place where we could excel. However, when our call to serve in Ukraine came, we thought the Lord had abandoned us.  Once we began serving we grew to love the people, the culture, the food and the experience so much that we shed tears when only after serving 10 months, we were sent home due to the world wide pandemic. It was there that we realized that we were having an amazing experience and that we should have trusted that the Lord knew what he was doing all along! (See GP Chronicles-The Test of Discipleship April 14,2019 and GP Chronicles A Whole New World- June 23,2019.)

Our trust in the Lord, that he would allow us to continue to serve in some capacity, somewhere, produced huge blessings as we were given an amazing opportunity to serve in the shadow of the Sacramento Temple as grounds caretakers.  This was truly an answer to prayer.  We are having so many amazing experiences here that we could never experience anywhere else.

It has taken us a lot of years of re-learning but we think that we have finally learned to Trust the Lord.

As Alma said to his son Helaman-“ …hear my words and learn of me; for I do know that whosoever will put their Trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day.” (Alma 36:3).  We believe that Alma was spot on with this advice to his son. We believe that YOU can Trust the Lord to help YOU when and where and in whatever situation YOU need Him.  We promise YOU these things are true!  On that, YOU can Trust Us !

Much Love-     The Grandparent Chronicles


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