Why Fast ?

Why do they call it Fast day when it goes so slow?



This month’s Grandparent Chronicles explores the question Why Fast ?   Hopefully, you’ll discover, as we have, that great blessings await those who sincerely pray and fast with a purpose.

President Russell M. Nelson (April 2020 General Conference- “Opening the Heavens for Help”) said; “As you know, members of the church observe the law of the fast one day each month. The doctrine of fasting is ancient. It has been practiced by biblical heroes from the earliest days.  Moses, David, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Isaiah, Daniel, Joel and many others fasted and preached of fasting. Through Isaiah’s writings, the Lord said: “Is this not the fast that I have chosen? To loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free?” The Apostle Paul admonished Saints in Corinth to” give yourselves to fasting and prayer.”

Carl B. Pratt (1st Quorum of the 70) in General Conference October 2004- reminded us of the blessings of a proper fast.  Said he; “Fasting has always been a practice among God’s people.  …for those who are physically able, fasting is a commandment. I fear, that too many of us are either not fasting on fast day or we are doing so in a lackadaisical manner. If all we do is abstain from food and drink for 24 hours and pay our fast offering, we have missed a wonderful opportunity for spiritual growth.  On the other hand, if we have a special purpose in our fasting, the fast will have much more meaning.” He continues,” When we fast with purpose we have something to focus our attention on besides our hunger.  The purpose of our fast may be a very personal one. Fasting can help us overcome personal flaws and sins. It can help us overcome weaknesses -help them become strengths. …or our fast may have a focus on a family challenge. “Throughout the scriptures, fasting is usually combined with prayer. “Ye shall continue in prayer and fasting from this time forth.” (D&C 88:76) Fasting without prayer is just going hungry for 24 hours. But fasting combined with prayer brings increased spiritual power.” “When the disciples were unable to cure a boy who was possessed of an evil spirit, they asked the Savior, “Why could we not cast him out?”  Jesus responded, this kind goeth not out but by fasting and prayer.” ({Mathew 17:19,21).

Apparently, greater spiritual power can be accessed with the combined power of prayer and fasting.

“A fast offering paid to at least equal the value of the 2 meals we have missed, is the culmination of a proper fast which is pleasing as a sacrifice to the Lord.”
We have a testimony that some of our greatest spiritual experiences and blessings have come to us through sincere and purposeful fasting and prayer.

We hope that you will enjoy discovering the spiritual blessings that come through sincere and purposeful fasting and prayer! 

Much love-   The Grandparent Chronicles                                                                   



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