An Attitude of Gratitude




The story is told of a man who got up on his roof to adjust his Television antenna. (Yes, they really did have TV antennas on the roof which needed a manual adjustment from time to time, I’ve participated in this ritual myself!) His roof was steep and he was very cautious but in spite of his care, he began to slip. As he slid down his roof he uttered a verbal prayer. “Dear Lord, save me!”  Just then his trousers got stuck on a nail which, for no logical reason, was sticking up from his roof in a strange location. It was big enough that it stopped his rapid descent and as he came to a stop he looked heavenward and prayed again.  “Never mind Lord, this nail stopped me!”  So, was it just a lucky coincidence that the nail happened to be in the right place at the right time to save him or was it an answer to his 1st prayer? We may never know, but we should always be quick to give thanks to God as we are convinced that he is in the details of our lives.  Doctrine and Covenants 59:21 reminds us, “And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things…”  You remember no doubt, the occasion when Jesus healed the ten lepers?  (Luke 17:12-19) After cleansing ten lepers, only one turned back and “fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks… and Jesus answering said, Were there not 10 cleansed? But where are the nine?”

Thanksgiving (and every day) is a good time to express our gratitude. We are grateful for our loving parents, amazing children, awesome grandchildren, our testimonies of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, for opportunities to serve, for the privilege of prayer, for Temples and covenants, for noble ancestors, for America, for scriptures, we are thankful for our loving Heavenly Father and for Jesus Christ and his infinite atoning sacrifice. We are thankful for life! The list could go on and on.

Proverbs 3:6 reminds us, “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” That is good advice to follow as we travel life’s path.  You may never be sliding down a steep roof but if you are human, there will be times in your life when you will have need to pray a desperate plea, “Lord save me!”  It may not be a nail, but whatever appears to stop your slide, you would be wise to then offer another prayer which hopefully will include the words, “Thank thee Lord!”

A few weeks ago I was praying and pondering what we should talk about in this month’s Grandparent Chronicles.  One night I woke up in the middle of the night with some distinct thoughts and wrote them down.  I later shared with Annette what I had written and the topic that had come to me, “An Attitude of Gratitude.” What a wonderful experience we later had to hear our prophet give a message to the world on the benefits of being grateful!  We don’t receive messages for the world, but we are very thankful that we can receive promptings of what our family might need.  We believe the Lord is in the details of our lives and that what we might call circumstance is really a tender mercy from above. 

As you enjoy this Thanksgiving and Holiday season, we believe that they will become more meaningful and joyful as you make efforts to develop an Attitude of Gratitude!

Much love! 

The Grandparent Chronicles


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