Christmas on Temple Hill



At Christmas time, the world sees Christ more clearly through the symbols of Christmas. The Star, a symbol of his birth, the evergreen tree reminds us that we can have “eternal life” through Jesus Christ, Holly with its’ thorny leaves and red berries reminds us of the crown of thorns and the blood Christ shed for us. Even the gifts we give each other remind us of the gifts of the wise men but more importantly, the gifts Christs offers to each of us. Lights and candles, poinsettias, wreaths, bells, candy canes and even stockings all remind us of Christ and Christmas. The scriptures remind us that all things testify of Christ. (Moses 6:63) “And behold, all things have their likeness, and all things are created and made to bear record of me, both things which are temporal, and things which are spiritual;…all things bear record of me.” Here on Temple Hill all things really do “testify of Christ”.  A path through lighted trees reminds us that He is the light and the way. A manger scene on the lawn reminds us of that very first Christmas. The Temple itself stands on a hill as a beacon to the world showing the way.  Inside the temple we move symbolically through life’s journey, making and keeping sacred saving ordinances and eventually end up in the presence of the Lord.  At Christmas time we are reminded of the one who is the giver of all good gifts.  Gifts are important to all of us.  Who doesn’t remember a letter to Santa with a list of gifts we wanted? Even grown-ups have Christmas lists.

One of our favorite modern Christmas songs is titled; “My grown-up Christmas list”, by David Foster and Linda Thompson.  Its’ music is beautiful, its’ lyrics even more so.  A grown-up is writing to Santa and reflects upon his/her childhood and ends with his/her “grown-up Christmas list.” 

“Do you remember me

I sat upon your knee

I wrote to you with childlike fantasies

Well I’m all grown up now

And still need help somehow

I’m not a child

But my heart still can dream

So here's my lifelong wish

My grownup Christmas list

Not for myself

But for a world in need



No more lives torn apart

That wars would never start

And time would heal all hearts

And everyone would have a friend

And right love would always win

And love would never end

This is my grown-up Christmas list”

Isn’t that a wonderful grown-up Christmas list?  But of course, the reality is that we live in a world where lives do get torn apart, where wars do start and where time doesn’t heal all hearts.

Unfortunately everyone doesn’t have a friend, and right doesn’t always win, and love ends far too often.                                

The song continues-

“But Heaven only knows

That packages and bows

Can never heal

A hurting human soul”

SO-If packages and bows can’t heal a human soul, what can?  Christmas time provides the answer.  It points us to Jesus Christ, the master healer. At Christmas time we celebrate the birth and life of the one and only one who can make all Christmas wishes come true. The one who has overcome the world, death and sin. Because of the babe in Bethlehem, everything on this “grown-up Christmas list”, in time, will be granted.


"No more lives torn apart

That wars would never start

And time would heal all hearts

And everyone would have a friend

And right would always win

And love would never end

This is my grown-up Christmas list.”

On our “grown-up Christmas list” is the wish that you will all have a wonderful Christmas.

That everyone of you will look forward to and prepare for the time when Christ will come again, when the lyrics to this song will become an eternal reality!

Merry Christmas!  

  The Grandparent Chronicles

( A link to the song- enjoy!)



  1. absolutely beautiful and well-needed. .thank you dear cousins....Merry Christmas to you and your family.......This is a wondrous time of year, magical, spiritual, and a time to reflect on things much bigger than the world we live in today. you are truly a blessing to those that surround you. Be safe......

    1. You are always so kind! Hope your Holidays are filled with family! ( maybe after this Covid pandemic we could see you in Sacramento?)


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