Starting Over Again...

               STARTING OVER, AGAIN



In looking back through the window of time, some of my most satisfying of life’s experiences were spent counseling with young people as they tried to navigate life successfully.  I specifically recall counseling with a young woman we will call Rachael.  (name changed to protect the repentant).

Rachael was a lovely, vivacious young lady whose courage I admired but whose weakness was boys. 

Time and time again she would visit me in my office to confess her indiscretions with a new boyfriend. She was a good person who knew and desired to do right but her weakness was difficult to overcome. As I caringly listened, I offered a silent prayer, “Dear Lord, please help me know how to help this sweet daughter of yours”. I felt the inspiration come but hesitated to tell her so directly what I had felt. Then, reassured by the spirit and with a smile on my face, I said, “Rachel, I think the Lord just told me what your problem is.  You’re just a slow leaner!” She smiled back and we spent some time talking about how the Lord lets us learn at our own pace, fast or slow, just so we eventually learn. Rachael did learn and her story has a happy ending!  I’ve contemplated often since then how I too am a slow learner in certain areas of my own life.   

The prophet Alma taught his wayward son Corianton (Alma 41:10) “…wickedness never was happiness”. As obvious as that sounds, it’s not an easy lesson for most of us to learn.

Joseph B. Wirthlin, then of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles, said- “I urge you to examine your life. Determine where you are and what you need to do to be the kind of person you want to be. Create inspiring, noble, and righteous goals that fire your imagination and create an excitement in your heart. And then keep your eye on them.  Work consistently towards achieving them.”

We hope you are grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who provided a Savior, Jesus Christ, whose sacrifice secured the precious gift of repentance, to allow us the ability to learn at our own pace and to start over again and again.

We pray you’ll treat this New Year as an opportunity to use the sweet privilege we call repentance, even in small things, to improve your life. We pray that you will use and enjoy this gracious gift to start over, again!

May your New Year be a Happy one!

Much love-

The Grandparent Chronicles



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