Living close to the Temple




While recently serving a mission in Kyiv Ukraine, we enjoyed each morning walking about 20 min to our mission office that was on the Kyiv temple grounds.  As we got close enough to see the temple a sense of happiness would lift our spirits and as we entered the temple grounds a distinct feeling of peace would envelope us.  Now, serving as the Sacramento Temple grounds caretakers and living on the temple grounds, our claim to fame is that “no one lives closer to the Temple than we do!”  Here we experience daily those same feelings of joy and peace that lifted us in Ukraine.  There is definitely something special about living close to a temple. The children of Israel were commanded to build a sanctuary (the tabernacle or portable temple) “that I may dwell among them.” (Exodus 25:8) On the American continent, there was “a great multitude gathered together, of the people of Nephi, round about the Temple” when the Savior appeared to them. (3 Nephi 11:1-10).  At the age of 12 Jesus and his parents went to Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover. When discovered missing from the company, his parents returned and “after three days they found him in the temple.” (Luke 2:45).  Those who seek Jesus even today, can find him in the Temple.  

There are obvious blessings of living close to a temple and in going through the temple.  The greater blessing can be ours however, when we chose to live close to the temple spiritually and when we not only go through (or attend) the temple but when we also allow the temple to “go through us.” (Neal A. Maxwell -Former Quorum of the 12 Apostles)

President Thomas S. Monson taught, “In the temple, the precious plan of God is taught.  It is in the temple that eternal covenants are made.  The temple lifts us, exalts us…all that occurs within the walls of the temple is uplifting and ennobling.” (General Conference talk October 2010) he also taught, “the temple is a place where we can find peace, there we receive a renewed dedication to the gospel and a strengthened resolve to keep the commandments.” (General Conference talk- April 2011)

You may not be privileged to live physically close to a temple, but you can always choose to let the temple, the covenants we make there with God and the joy that keeping those covenants brings, live in you!  If you make that choice, you too will experience the peace and happiness that are always available there.

May you be wise enough to so choose-

    Much love-   The Grandparent Chronicles


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