
Showing posts from September, 2021

Because I Said So!

             B E C A U S E     I    S A I D    S O !   Discipline is not something most parents are good at.   When frustrated by a child who persists in questioning your discipline, have you ever resorted to the #1 parental go to logic? “Because I said so!”   For many couples, disciplining children can be the biggest source of conflict in their marriage. Often, one parent is know for being the “Disciplinarian” while the other parent is a “Softie.” Children aren’t dumb and become very skilled at playing one parent against the other.   The focus then shifts from how to properly discipline to the friction these differences cause in a marriage.   Most parents believe that some discipline is necessary, they just can’t get on the same page as to how.   Elder D.Todd Christofferson taught (Ensign May 2011) “Parents can and must correct; even chasten, if their children are not to be cast adrift at the mercy of a merciless adversary and his supporters.” In one of my finer parenting mome