Cindy and Don Staheli
Mons,Belgium 1970 ( branch activity)
Elder Wade, Elder Staheli & a member

“…and behold, this was a joyful meeting.” (Alma 27:16)

You are probably familiar with the Book of Mormon account of Alma the younger and the sons of Mosiah.(Mosiah 27).After persecuting the church and being called to repent by an angel, Alma followed in his father’s footsteps and became a leader in the government and the church.  The sons of Mosiah went on a mission to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the Lamanites. After 14 years of service, having endured many hardships but also having had much success, they encounter Alma the younger as they were returning home.  The scriptures record this chance reunion and describe it as “a joyful meeting”. Recently, I had such a joyful meeting!

  51 years ago in Mons, Belgium, I served with a wonderful missionary named Don Staheli. That’s not a very common name so when we discovered that an Elder Staheli was serving in  our home ward, we got his number and I made a call.  “Elder Staheli, do you have a grandfather named Don?” I queried.  “No but I have a great uncle named Don.  I’ll get you his number.”  My text message was simple, "if you’re the Don Staheli that served in Mons, Belgium in 1970, I was your companion and I’d love to visit! If not, please excuse the text.”  His return text read, “ Is this my fine redheaded companion!” We exchanged contact info., pictures, and set up a time to call. I was pleased to learn that he has enjoyed a wonderful life.

He served as mission President in Paris, France from 2010-2013,he had served as personal secretary to Gordon B. Hinkley, the Quorum of the 12, and Russell M. Nelson until called to serve as President of the Bountiful, Utah Temple. “We have no idea what lies ahead, but we know it will be good.” He said.

As you can imagine, after 51 years, to finally be reconnected, I can say as did Alma, “this was a joyful meeting!” (Alma 27:16)

Obviously, not everyone can serve 2 prophets, and the quorum of the 12 apostles. Very few have the opportunity to serve as a mission or a Temple President. However, ALL can serve in some capacity.  Isn’t it wonderful that in the eyes of our loving Father in Heaven, the offering (be it money or service) of the widow with her mite is valued the same as the offering of the rich or fortunate! (Mark 12:42-44)

It’s our hope that you will have many “joyful meetings” when you look back on your life of service- be it 5, 10 or even 51 years later!

Much Love-

The Grandparent Chronicles


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