
Showing posts from February, 2022

Go for the Gold!

  GO FOR THE GOLD!    We love the Olympics! Originating in ancient Olympia Greece some 3,000 years ago, the 1 st modern Olympics took place in 1896 at Athens Greece. Since 1994, summer and winter Olympics have alternated every 2 years in different parts of the world. Every Olympic is a competition of the world's best in every Olympic sport. Each is there to do the best they can for their country, family, and self. Many go home disappointed but all return home having tried to do their very best. The athlete that many call the “greatest Olympian of all time” was a black American named Jessie Owens. Although other track and field Olympians have won more medals, Jessie won 4 gold medals and set 2 world records- in front of Adolph Hitler in 1936. Hitler spent his life promoting the false idea of a “superior race.” Jessie proved that people of all races can perform superiorly, that we all have God given talents and that anyone can be capable of accomplishing amazing things when