Go for the Gold!




We love the Olympics! Originating in ancient Olympia Greece some 3,000 years ago, the 1st modern Olympics took place in 1896 at Athens Greece.

Since 1994, summer and winter Olympics have alternated every 2 years in different parts of the world. Every Olympic is a competition of the world's best in every Olympic sport. Each is there to do the best they can for their country, family, and self. Many go home disappointed but all return home having tried to do their very best.

The athlete that many call the “greatest Olympian of all time” was a black American named Jessie Owens. Although other track and field Olympians have won more medals, Jessie won 4 gold medals and set 2 world records- in front of Adolph Hitler in 1936. Hitler spent his life promoting the false idea of a “superior race.” Jessie proved that people of all races can perform superiorly, that we all have God given talents and that anyone can be capable of accomplishing amazing things when they set goals and work hard developing their talents. Jessie reminded the world that “all are alike unto God.” (2Nephi  26:33)

One of the greatest Olympic boxing champions of all time was a Cuban named Teofilo Stevenson, a 3-time Olympic champion in consecutive Olympics- 1972, 1976 and 1980. Many encouraged him to go pro and challenge Muhamad Ali. For Stevenson, it wasn’t about money. He is quoted as saying, “What is a million dollars against 8 million Cubans who love me?” Money doesn’t equal success.

In Calgary Canada in 1988, a 4-man bobsled team inspired the world, not that they would win a medal but that they would even compete! They represented the small island nation of Jamaica, where winter sports are unheard of. Their efforts of preparation to even be able to practice and qualify to compete became the subject of a 1993 box office success called “Cool Runnings". (It’s a feel-good, must-see movie!) The 1988 bobsled team from Jamaica reminded the world that anyone, from anywhere can accomplish anything! This year’s 2022 Olympics is the 1st time in 20 years that a 4-man bobsled team from Jamacia has qualified to compete once again.

Another life lesson we can learn from the Olympics is to stay in the race. During the 1,000-meter short track speed skating event in the Salt Lake City 2002 Olympics, Australia's Steven Bradbury found himself in last place until an unlikely crash in the last lap involving all other skaters found him breezing past the pile-up to claim the Gold Medal! His endurance had paid off.

 Lastly, who can forget the amazing stick to it, keep trying and never give up story of Michael David Edwards. Eddie was determined from childhood to be an Olympian, but his lack of athletic ability found him cut from the British ski team. That only slowed him down it didn’t stop him.  He decided to find something that no other “Brit” was competing in, so he took up ski jumping and in 1988 became the 1st competitor since 1928 to represent Great Britain in Olympic ski jumping. Although he finished last place in the normal hill competition, he decided to compete also in the large hill event which he had never attempted before. He landed his large hill jump in last place but still jumped far enough to set the British record which he held from 1988 to 2001.During his celebration dance (which resembled a turkey strut) at the end of his run, he said that he felt like he had soared like an Eagle. He became know there after as “Eddie the Eagle”. (Another must see movie by the same name.) Eddie taught us to never give up!

To conclude, we are reminded of the apostle Paul’s analogy of life to a race. “Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run that ye may obtain.” (1 Corinthians 9:24)

We hope that you will reflect upon these stories of Olympic heroes-those who won Gold Medals and those who placed last.  Have the ambition and the courage to do your very best in the race we call life.

If you do the best you can then God will make up the difference and you will obtain the prize Paul refers to, even the prize of eternal Salvation. (D&C 6:13)

Much Love- 

   The Grandparent Chronicles 


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