In June of 2019, we landed in Kiev, Ukraine to begin a 2-year mission that would only last 10 months due to covid.  We soon fell in love with these amazing people, their customs and culture, their food, and their beautiful country.  Now their county is being destroyed.  Their once peaceful neighborhoods are in rubble. Many we know and love are staying but some are sending their wives and children to neighboring countries for safety while their fathers and brothers are staying to fight.

Recently we came across a letter from a couple we know. They worked in the Kiev Temple. Their letter was sent to the McMurtry family, dear Temple missionary friends. (Sheri and Annette were amazing together with the Cello and piano! Bruce and Gary were a team to beat on the basketball court!)  The Miroshnichenkos’ asked that their letter be shared.  We think you’ll agree that it is definitely, Grandparent Chronicles worthy.  As you read their heart felt plea, we pray that your hearts will be moved to pray too and do what you can for them and all those whose lives are being shattered by this conflict.

“Dear Brothers and Sisters!

Now our Ukraine is in great trouble!

Everyday, cruse missiles fly at cities, our cities are bombarded with Grads, bombs are dropped from aircraft. All this destroys our cities, our people, our children.  People sit in bomb shelters for days. Against all laws, the invaders destroy the houses of civilians.  Some cities are captured, and they have no lights, no gas, no heating, no water, no food. The occupiers refuse to give a green corridor to take people out, hiding behind people as a shield.

Ukraine defends its freedom and fights with an army that is 10 times larger than the Ukrainian one. Our dear defenders fight day and night for our freedom, for our families, for our Ukraine.  The leaders of our country are constantly asking for help from all countries of the world to close the sky of Ukraine and give planes, but no one hears our requests.

Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, only a miracle can help us.  Please pray for our warriors who are so valiantly, sparing neither their strength nor their lives, fight the enemy day and night. 

Pray that the Lord will protect them with his loving hand, give them health, strength, and courage.

They really need your prayers. 

We believe that with your help, good will overcome evil and Ukraine will survive “and flourish with renewed vigor. 

Dear brothers and sisters, we very much ask you to send this message to everyone you can, the more people pray, the more strength and protection our defenders will have. They are real heroes. 

With great love for you-

Brother and Sister Miroshnichenko


One young sister missionary from Ukraine, with whom we served is Sister Irina Kekina (She made us delicious borscht) is now back home with her family in Poltava. We correspond with her via messenger. We recently heard form her.” Please pray for the Rublyuk family, these are my friends, they have lost their home! We are always in the bunker because of the air sirens, we’re running out of everything! “(we were able to send some funds via a Wise account.)

Aleksey Tkachenko works for the church in Kiev. He helped Annette with travel arrangements for the missionaries and helps with proper government papers to allow the missionaries to stay in Ukraine.

(We were able to wire transfer some money to him which he will use for food and other essentials for some members there.)

The Pryhodko family are dear friends we met one day at the mall. They accepted our invitation to come see our mission office and the Temple. We introduced them to the mission president who took time to play basketball with their little handicapped son.  Dasha, the big sister, speaks English fluently and was attending English class and receiving lessons from the sister missionaries until they all had to leave.  (We were able to send them some funds earlier) The mother and children have now fled to Poland and the father has stayed to fight the war.

These are just a few of the many people we came to know and love. Ukraine is a nation about the size of Texas with a population about the size of California – approx. 40 million people.  We may not be able to help all of them, but we can help some of them and we certainly can help through our prayers.  Please join us in praying and doing whatever you can for these sweet people we have come to know and love.


Sincere Thanks!

Much Love-    The Grandparent Chronicles



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