Sister Wade scrubbing the Temple Hill bathroom floors 



On May 5,2022, our mission service as the Sacramento Temple Grounds Caretakers ended. After 20 months there, plus our 10 months in Kiev, Ukraine, we had been missionaries for 2 ½ years. Like all mission endings, we left with mixed emotions. We were excited for the future yet sad to leave the many friends and experiences we had come to know and love. We asked ourselves-

What lessons have we learned?

What experiences have we had to better prepare us for the future?

What insights have we gained that in sharing, could benefit those we love? (you!)

1-We learned the same lesson shared by king Benjamin with his people in the Book of Mormon ( Mosiah 2:17,18)  “and behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.”…”ought not ye to labor to serve one another ?” We learned that there is great benefit from service to others. That as we serve with willing hearts, love grows for those people and causes that we serve. We ourselves become more thankful, humble, and refined spiritually through selfless service.

2-We learned that there is a time for every righteous purpose. (Ecclesiastics 3:1) “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.”

For you, now may be a season for education, or work or serving a mission or raising a family.  We hope that you will prayerfully seek God’s help to know which is the correct season for you at every stage of your life. We hope that you will seek a season of service even during other phases of your life.  It may not be for you the season of full-time service as we have just enjoyed. There are, however, opportunities to serve during other seasons of life, while getting an education, raising children, and working hard at a profession. Service doesn’t need to be full time to bless your life.  We hope you’ll look for opportunities and be willing to serve during whatever phase of life you are in.  It will bless you as well as those you serve.

3-We learned that service can help smooth your rough edges, enrich your personality, and help you become more selfless and Christ-like.

“…God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good…” (Acts 10:38). And as Christ went about doing good, Alma taught us that we should “counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good…” (Alma 37:37).

As we seek to serve, doing good works to others, we slowly become more Christ-like and enjoy more that peace that can only come through Jesus Christ.

Ours has been a wonderful season of service! We pray to have the health and opportunities to serve in the future.

We hope and pray that you too will seek for seasons of service, that you too will learn for yourselves the joy and peace that service to others can bring.


Much love-   The Grandparent Chronicles




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