Polished Stones


On the northern coast of California, near Fort Bragg, is an amazingly beautiful beach called “Glass Beach.” It’s colorful gems of blue, red, green, amber, and crystal clear are what remains of a previous dump site where broken bottles were deposited.  Over time, the grinding sand and tumbling waves have smoothed all edges and what remains are beautiful, smooth, and polished glass gems.

Nature accomplishes this same feat over hundreds of years with hard jagged rocks.  After years of tumbling by waves and sand, sharp rocks are transformed into beautiful, polished stones.

For centuries, man has refined ways to duplicate natures process. From ancient Egyptian slaves stirring selected chips of stone in a trough with sand and water to Lapidaries in India using a “polishing bag” made of goat skin filled with sand and water, the process has evolved to our day. In the 1950’s, Swoboda jewelry made of tiny, polished stones, helped make tumbled stones popular. Today, from rock tumbling hobbyist producing small batches, to large industrial tumblers capable of producing 60 tons of tumbled stones per month- the craft is alive and well.

Interestingly, our Heavenly Father uses a similar technique to knock, off our rough edges and if we cooperate, we too can become smooth and polished souls. He does this by allowing us to be subjected to difficult and “grinding” experiences which can wear down our rough edges and through the washing sands of time can mellow us and polish our personalities.  Some of our grinding experiences are rougher than others but together they can serve God’s purposes and through the process of time, we too can become polished stones in God’s hands. We become colorful gems on God’s “glass beach”, each one unique and precious to Him whose business is “the refining of eternal souls.” (See Moses 1:39)

So- when you find yourself in the middle of a grinding experience of life that seems to be wearing you down, just remember that you too are God’s beloved child and his plan is to knock off your rough edges, to polish you, and to make of you something far more beautiful and precious than you can even imagine!

Much Love-   The Grandparent Chronicles

PS- My brother Brent has perfected this hobby of polishing rocks! (See the pictures of his polished rocks above)

PPS- Janeece and Mike’s family bought me a rock polishing kit for my birthday and I’m excited to learn from Brent!


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