Precious Moments


                 PRECIOUS  MOMENTS

When Annette’s father passed away, her mother decided to that she would like the family to remember him in a special way. On the anniversary of his passing, she would gather, with as many of her children as could, at the Precious Moments chapel in Carthage, Missouri. There we would each write a memory or fond thought of Dennis and record them for posterity in the journals there provided for that purpose.  So, on November 6, 2022, we were there on the anniversary of his passing. Those who couldn’t make the trip sent letters to read.

As we recorded our thoughts and read the letters, not a dry eye was to be found. All there experienced a very “precious moment” while at the Precious Moments chapel. 

The following thought that came forcefully to my mind and heart that day is the topic for this month’s  Grandparent Chronicles.   “Precious moments can and should be a more frequent occurrence in our lives!”

By definition, a precious moment is a moment in time that has great value. It could be an inspiring insight, a feeling of enhanced peace, a tranquil or even exhilarating event or even a revelatory experience to be cherished. Precious Moments can come from a variety of reasons, in a variety of ways, and most often when we find ourselves in an “attitude of gratitude”.  Something as simple as a beautiful sunset can be passed off as an everyday occurrence but when viewed with an attitude of gratitude, that same “everyday sunset” can become a soul satisfying “precious moment.” For us, a photo from the past, a hymn or a song, a scripture, a prayer or even a pleasant smell can trigger a precious moment experience.  What are some precious moments you’ve enjoyed lately? If few moments come to mind, we hope you’ll think about some you’ve enjoyed in the past and review what it was that made that moment precious to you.

We hope you’ll remember just how precious you are to your loving Heavenly Father- “more precious than fine gold!” (Isaiah 13:12) We’ve enjoyed some precious moments with each of you- we hope you remember them- we sure do! Please know just how precious each and every one of you is to us!

As you give thanks this month (and always) may your precious moments continue to multiply and warm your heart!

  Much love- The Grandparent Chronicles



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