When Julie and Janeece were born, we lived in Wellsville, Utah next to a dear old sister named Margaret Maughan. Margaret lived alone in the house next to ours. Every Sunday we drove Margaret to church as it was too far for her to walk.

On the Sunday morning Julie and Janeece were to be blessed in church we had a house full of family all there for the big event. With all we had to do to get the babies and other kids ready, we barely made it to church on time. The blessing went well, the meeting was very spiritual. It was a perfect day- until driving home and seeing Margaret’s house, I realized that I had forgotten to pick Margaret up! I’ll never forget how sick to my stomach and how embarrassed I was when I knocked on her door to apologize. Margaret was deeply hurt, and it took both of us several months to heal.

          I’m sure you’ve forgotten something very important in your life. If not, no doubt you will- a test at school, an important deadline, or the birthday of a friend. Forgetting can lead to terrible results, but remembering can bring Joy and Peace.

          The Book of Mormon tells of wise parents who named their sons Lehi and Nephi- “Behold my sons…I have given unto you the names of our 1st parents…that when you remember their names ye may remember them; …when ye remember their works ye may know…that they were good. Therefore, my sons, I would that ye should do that which is good…  (Heleman 5:6-7)

          Some things are obviously more important to remember than others. Some things are so important that we do them weekly to help us remember. We “eat and drink in remembrance of the body (and blood) of thy son, and always remember him. That we may always have His spirit to be with us.” (Moroni 4 & 5)

          The Nephite parents felt that it was so important for their children to remember Christ. “We talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ…that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.” (2 Nephi 25:26). It’s not only important to Remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for us, but we should also remember the sacrifice of others in our behalf.

Memorial Day this year is May 29th.  It’s a day for remembering and decorating the graves of all our deceased loved ones. Our father, Alfred Byron Wade, his brothers Gene and Rowen, our uncle Plas Brooks, to name just a few, all fought to keep America free.  Our grandfather Luther McAllister was wounded in battle during WW1 and was awarded the Purple Heart for bravery.

We hope that you will pause to remember and never forget what is truly important in this life and remember all those who paid a terrible price for the blessings of freedom and agency of choice we all now enjoy.

May we always remember and never forget!

Much Love-

The Grandparent Chronicles


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