
Showing posts from June, 2023

A Father’s Day Tribute To Dad

  A FATHER’S DAY TRIBUTE TO DAD   To those of you who knew my father, Alfred Byron Wade, AB for short or as he was affectionately called, Big Al, you knew him no doubt as the fun-loving prankster that he was. However, between playing practical jokes and teasing, my dad had a serious side.   At my request, as a young dad myself, he recorded his testimony in my scriptures. Here is some of what he wrote. “Your mother and I have been blessed with a wonderful family, and we have always been proud of that. It always makes us happy that you boys and Darla seem to enjoy each other’s company and stay close together. As a rule, our family has been blessed with health and happiness through the years.   Although we have many weaknesses, we have tried to keep our family close to the church, because we know, I know that the church is true and have seen proof of the power of the Priesthood Many times.” I’m so thankful that my dad didn’t just have a testimony but that he lived by it. If you re