KICKING            BOWLING BALLS                                              

When our son Curt was old enough to know better, he was walking down the street and noticed a ball sitting in the neighbor’s front yard. Whether he was upset at something, just wishing to play mischief on the neighbor kids or just saw a ball that needed to be kick, it doesn’t really matter what his motive was.  What mattered was that he made the decision to kick that ball for a country mile. Running full force he let his kicking foot fly into it expecting to see it soar! Instead, he instantly felt excruciating pain as his foot crunched into what was in reality, a bowling ball!  It took Curt’s foot several weeks, while limping in agony, before it slowly recovered.

We laugh now looking back but at the same time empathize with Curt at the misery he caused himself by making a painfully poor decision.

Upon self-examination, we might discover that we too have “kicked a few bowling balls” in our own lives! Saul (whom the Lord later renamed Paul) felt self righteously justified as he journeyed down the road to Damascus on his way to exact justice on all Christians whom he judged to be infidel to God’s true way. Not until Christ appeared to him to stop him on his way and he was blinded for three days then miraculously healed, did he realize that he had been “kicking bowling balls!” It is hard for thee to “kick” against the pricks.” He was told.

(see Acts 9:1-20).

Do we ever misjudge a person or a situation because we think we have the facts, but, when the truth is known, it wasn’t as we had perceived? “Get the fact, before you act, “is a good piece of advice.

It’s true that we must make decisions everyday with whatever knowledge we have, and hope for the best. But, when it comes to the lives and reputations of others, we’d better make sure we have the facts right, that we’ve assessed the situation correctly. In fact, rather than “kicking bowling balls”, we should probably  realize that everyone, including you, might be better off by  just leaving your neighbors “ball” right where it lies, undisturbed. After all, some folks use “bowling balls to decorate their yards! (Just ask grandma Stone!-see pictures above 😁)

Much Love-

The Grandparent Chronicles


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