" DAR SAID ! "


On a chilly October day (the 26th to be precise) a beautiful baby girl was born to Al and Donna Wade. After two rowdy boys, an adorable blonde little girl was no doubt a welcomed site!

Alfred Byron had two “B” boys, now it was Donna’s turn to have a girl whose name would start with a “D”. She would be called Darla. Later, her two younger brothers, Brent, and Bart, would adore her as much as her two older brothers Byron and Bruce. Like any only sister, Darla was subjected to teasing by her brothers. On one occasion when their mother asked the older boys to fix her lunch, they thought a “Tabasco” sandwich would be funny- it wasn’t.

Darla grew to be a lovely young lady. She decided to serve a mission and was called to serve in the Japan Sapporo Mission. Upon her successful completion she returned to school and work.  

Darla got a job at Topper Bakery and would usually come home smelling like a donut. Often, she would bring donuts home, so life was good! Some worried that she might spend her life as an “old maid” but finally she met Mr. Right- whose real name was Mr.  Newton. At the ripe old age of 28 she and Larry tied the knot in the Ogden Temple. Soon they would begin filling their nest with little figs. (Fig Newton- get it?) Due to health issues, they were able to have just one- Michael. Mike is an amazing guy and a real testament to the type of parents Darla and Larry are. Darla adored her mother’s only sister Dorthy and her two children, Kim and Chris. When Dorthy lost a battle with cancer and passed away. Kim soon could no longer care for her only child Jessie because of her bout with MS. Darla stepped in and cared for both of them until Kim lost the fight. Jessie was left with a dead-beat dad who at best was indifferent to Jessie. Darla and Larry realized that if Jessie was ever going to have a real shot at life, someone would have to step in and up. They were up to the challenge. Jessie was welcomed into their home and was given all the privileges as well as the normal expectations that family life requires.  This arrangement lasted a few years until Jessie’s father’s family intervened and Jessie had to go live with his dad. That didn’t last long, Jessie soon became a ward of the state, in and out of foster and group homes. Through it all, Jessie grew in love and respect for Darla and Larry. Jessie is now family famous for coining the phrase, “Dar Said !”

By invoking the phrase- “Dar said!”, you are implying that the voice of final authority has been uttered, that the debate is over and ultimate wisdom has been spoken! “Dar said!” is the final trump to trump all trumps! “La piece de resistance”, and the last word required!

In retirement years, Darla and Larry have kept busy serving a humanitarian mission to Bangaru, India and another to the Navajo nation. They are currently serving again in the Ogden Temple.

With our mother’s passing, our sister Darla has become the “Queen Bee” of our family. Her four brothers are all happy to follow her lead as her wisdom far exceeds theirs’ combined.


We all still adore her and at this Birthday time we honor her and wish her the “happiest of Birthdays!”

As for Jessie, he has turned out to be a good guy who, like the rest of us, is finding his way forward. From time-to-time Dar still has some good advice for him.

Jessie is now a “wanabe” rodeo cowboy!

“Jessie, you need to learn how to stay on those bucking ponies for eight seconds!”

Hey Jessie, wasn’t me… pretty sure “Dar said!”

Much Love-

The Grandparent Chronicles






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