HUMBLE PIE

As you prepare for Thanksgiving, we hope you will prepare with an “Attitude of Gratitude” (see Nov 26,2020 grandparent Chronicles- we hope you’ll re-read it)

On Thanksgiving Day, after pausing to give thanks to your maker for all your blessings, we hope you’ll be able to enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving feast, surrounded by loved ones.

Don’t forget the pie for dessert!

My grandmother McAllister’s younger brother, Jesse Johnstun, used to say, “there’s only two kinds of pie I like…hot and cold!”

I agree with my great-uncle Jesse, I even like minced meat pie! (don’t knock it ‘til you try it!)

Not necessarily at Thanksgiving time but from time to time, I’ve been served another kind of pie- “Humble Pie”! (not my favorite kind of pie but probably just as good for me!) Let me explain.  When I was a junior in High School, I decided to take up wrestling. Our coach was Chick Hislop, who later became Weber State’s track and wrestling coach. He’s legendary! One day we were scheduled to have a wrestling match with the “Inter- Mountain Indian school” in Brigham City. (that school doesn’t exist anymore. All that’s left is the big “I” on the mountain side.) Anyway, those guys were tough! Everyone on our Ben Lomond team was getting taken to the mat! (getting beaten!) Finally, it was my turn to wrestle, almost last ,as I was 3rd string in my 130lb weight category. (1st string- Craig Jensen took 1st in State competition that year!) I finally faced off with my opponent. This was one tough Indian! I couldn’t believe how strong he was! There was no way I was going to beat this guy on strength only, finally, using strategy, I barely eked out a win on points! I was beaming with pride! I was one of very few on our team that won their match that day. I was feeling a little cocky and it must have shown. While I was still bragging of my accomplishment, one of my teammates approached me and said,” Hey Wade, I understand that you won your match. You feeling pretty good about that?” Yes, I am!” I replied. “You do realize”, he continued,” that you’re the third guy he wrestled today!” I hadn’t realized that! I had just been served a big ‘ol piece of humble pie! (it didn’t taste good but was no doubt good for me!) That day, I Learned a valuable lesson in humility that I have never forgotten! For a short time, I was full of pride, which President Benson called “the universal sin”. Elder Uchtdorf explained that “pride is the great sin of self-elevation.” The scriptures teach us, “Be thou humble and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand, and give thee answer to thy prayers.” Proverbs 18:12 reminds us that “Before destruction the heart of man is haughty (prideful) and before honor is humility.” I think I’d prefer honor over destruction any day! How about you?

This Thanksgiving as you’re eating a piece of your favorite pie, we hope you’ll remember my experience of having to eat “Humble Pie”. If you ever find yourself confronted with a big “ol piece of “Humble Pie”, We hope you’ll eat it like the vegetables your mom would serve you. It won’t be your favorite pie, but no doubt good for you!

Much Love- The Grandparent Chronicles


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