Where Can I Turn for Peace?



At Christmas time we sing, “Let there be Peace on earth” (by Jill Jackson-Miller and Sy Miller 1955) On this earth however, we are experiencing anything but peace! War continues to rage in our beloved Ukraine, and in the Holy land, where the “Prince of Peace” was born and where he taught his “Gospel of Peace”, war is also raging!

Dallon H. Oaks reminds us that, “If citizens do not have a basic goodness to govern their actions toward one another, we can never achieve peace in the world.” (April Gen Conference 1990)

We obviously do not control the nations of our world, not the armies or navies or the weapons of war. Still, Christ encouraged us when he said;

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27.) and “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulations: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33.)

Patrick Kearon (newest Apostle Dec 2023) reminded us where to look for peace when he said, “May you find peace and may we find peace together from the only place where we can any of us really find it.” (Jesus Christ.) His truth reminds us of a revealed truth found in D&C 59:23 “But learn that he who doeth the works of righteousness shall receive his reward, even peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come.”

Elder Marvin J, Ashton of the quorum of the 12 Apostles shared a story he once heard that we hope will give you peace when life blinds you from that peace you seek in time of need.

“A beautiful little blind girl was sitting on the lap of her father in a crowded compartment on a train. A friend seated nearby said to the father., “let me give you a little rest,” and he reached over and took the little girl on his lap. A few moments later the father said to her, “Do you know who is holding you?” “No,” she replied, “but you do.” She was at peace because she knew and trusted her father. When sorrow, tragedy, and heartbreaks occur in our lives, wouldn’t it be comforting if when the whisperings of God say, “Do you know why this has happened to you? We could have the peace of mind to answer “No, but you do.”

President Nelson assured us, “I love the lord Jesus Christ and testify that His gospel is the only enduring solution for peace. His gospel is a gospel of peace.” (General Conference April 2022).

We join our testimony with that of Henry B. Eyring when he said.

“I pray that you may find peace, help others find it and pass it along. There will be a wonderful thousand years of peace when the lord comes again.” (Gen Conference Oct. 2023.)

Until that thousand years come, may you find Peace this Christmas and always, by turning to the Prince of Peace whose birth we celebrate, even Jesus Christ.

Much Love- The Grandparent Chronicles


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