The Book of Mormon

  The Book of Mormon

When I was a young boy, our family would occasionally gather at grandpa & grandma Wade’s house for family events.  On a few occasions I remember hearing my grandparents express their love for the Book of Mormon. These were often spiritual moments when we could all feel the emotion and love they had for this book of sacred scripture. Annette and I are not sure that our grandchildren have had a similar experience with us, so this new year, as we begin again as a church, families and individuals, a yearlong study of this amazing book, we want them to know why we too love this book and believe it to be just what it claims to be, another Testament of Jesus Christ.

Joseph Smith said on one occasion, “ I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon is the most correct of any book, and that a man could get closer to God by abiding by its precepts than by any other book.” If you’d like answers to your life’s problems and to draw closer to God, then this book is for you! Every contributor to the Book of Mormon shares wonderful insights into successful living that have blessed our lives. A few examples that follow will give you an idea of its contents.

From Nephi we learn that if we turn to God, He will turn to us and help us with our life’s challenges.

From Jacob we learn the power of obedience and virtuous living.

Enos taught us that God hears and answers sincere prayer.

Mosiah shows us the value of selfless service.

From Alma we learn that we too can repent and be forgiven of our sins.

Helaman helps us understand the role that Jesus Christ can play to provide a solid foundation for our lives.

From 3rd Nephi we learn that Christ really will come into our lives in our hour of need.

4th Nephi teaches of the peace available through making and keeping sacred covenants.

We learn from Mormon the importance of keeping a record of our lives to hopefully bless future generations.

Ether teaches us the amazing power of faith.

From Moroni we realize that we are truly at war spiritually with the powers of darkness and how to successfully win that war.

When Annette and I were raising our six amazing children, we read as a family the Book of Mormon from cover to cover, three different times. Reading is good but it’s when we study, ponder and prayerfully apply its teachings that we receive the power of the Book of Mormon to bless our lives.

From its original printing in 1830 of 5,000 copies to 2024 and over 200 million copies later, it has been a witness of truth for almost 200 years. During those years, millions have discovered those truths for themselves.

Many prophetic promises have been given about the Book of Mormon. Pres. Russell M. Nelson said, “I promise that as you ponder what you study (in the Book of Mormon), the windows of heaven will open, and you will receive answers to your own questions and direction for your own life.” (The Book of Mormon: what would your life be without it? Ensign Nov. 2017 p. 62-63).

Annette and I love The Book of Mormon and we love you! Our hope for this New Year is that you will have a desire to discover this amazing book for yourself. Moroni tells us how to go about it. (Moroni 10:4-6) We hope you’ll put it to the test. We think you’ll be glad you did!

Much Love-   The Grandparent Chronicles


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