We begin with an old American Indian proverb which states; “Tell me the facts and I’ll learn.  Tell me the truth and I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever.”

Steve Jobs (of Apple fame) once said; “The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller.  The storyteller sets the vision, values and agenda of an entire generation that is to come.”

For the last 6 years we have shared monthly stories of events and real people that have helped us see the vision and appreciate the values that lead to true happiness and peace. Those stories of real life heroes and heroines and the life teaching moments we’ve shared will live In our hearts forever.( We encourage you to review past issues (all 74)  of The Grandparent Chronicles and get reacquainted with the people, stories and values we’ve tried to share.)

Our story today is about a storyteller and his son.

In October of 2020, while serving a mission as the Sacramento Temple grounds caretakers, we were enjoying feeding a group of missionaries who had asked to come help work on the Temple grounds. One young Elder was examining our bookcase and suddenly proclaimed, “hey, that’s one of my dad’s books!”  We then found out that Elder Rawson’s father was Glenn Rawson, a well-known contemporary tour guide and story teller. We first became familiar with Glenn Rawson through Annette’s parents who had taken a few tours with him and enjoyed his wit and story telling abilities. We sent a text to Glenn with a picture of us with his son and told him what a fine missionary he had sent our way.  He replied that he appreciated our service and our taking care of and feeding his missionary son!

For the last several years we have enjoyed a free weekly story and occasional fireside from Glenn Rawson.  He also gives tours which you can take for a price as well as sells his stories in book form. His weekly stories and firesides however are free. He is currently reaching out to share his stories with others, so we thought we’d share his invitation with you. He shares personal stories, stories of the hymns, patriotic stories, pioneer stories and scripture stories that can be read or viewed on You Tube.  We’ll include his link and hope you enjoy his free stories as much as we have.

We close our story this month with a few appropriate quotes.

Libba Bray, an author, has said;” There is no greater power on this earth than story.” Vikram Chandra said; “What is the highest pleasure? To hear a good story!.” And Aleks Krotoski-author- said; “ stories are memory aids, instruction manuals and moral compasses.”  They certainly have been for us, we hope they will be for you!

Much Love- The Grandparent Chronicles

Note- touch the above link. It should take you there but if not , A blue version will appear. Touch that. It will take you to a new redirect page with 2 options. Touch the top option and the Glenn Rawson link will open . Fill out the form and begin receiving your FREE weekly stories!  😁


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