Spiritual Cataracts 


At a recent vision examination, I was told that I had cataracts and needed surgery.  I’ve had glasses since forever, so I knew that my vision was lacking. Some of you have experienced this procedure but for me, the thought of someone operating on my eye while I’m awake trying to hold my eye still and not blink, was freaking me out!  The plan was to operate on one eye at a time with three weeks between surgeries. The morning of surgery came. After signing my life away and waiving their liability (in case they put my eye out or something goes wrong), the ordeal began. Five different eye drops at three different times (yes-15 drops total!) Each eye drop has a different purpose- to clean, to dilate, to numb etc. Once on the table in the operating room they start an IV. The anesthesia is not enough to put you out, they need you awake to focus your eye on the light and respond to instructions. They give you just enough of the “I don’t care juice” in your veins to make you groggy. The surgeon reminds you before he begins, no coughing, sneezing, scratching, blinking, or moving!

The actual surgery is completed in about 20 minutes. A metal patch is taped over your eye which you must wear until your appointment the next day and then every night for the next several nights.

I didn’t even know that I had cataracts, you can’t see them when you look in the mirror, but you sure notice the difference when they’re removed! Before, things looked yellowish brown and cloudy. Now, everything looks bright and clear!  This caused me to wonder, Do I have, or have I ever had “Spiritual Cataracts”? If so, how do I remove them? With all the distractions in our world, it can be easy to not see clearly.(Mark 8:25)

We came up with a few things that might help prevent or remove “Spiritual Cataracts”.

1-       1-Pray- If we let our Heavenly Father know our desire to see things clearly, If our hearts are right, He will help us. (2Nephi 32:9)

2-      2-Keep the Commandments and Covenants you have received. God is a lot smarter than we are. He knows how to live in a way that will make us the happiest with the greatest peace of mind. He has a higher perspective and sees things more clearly than we do. We are his children, and He wants to help us.(Matthew 19:17)

3-     3- Let the Holy Ghost be your constant companion. You were given an amazing life help as you were confirmed a member of Christ’s church, The Gift of the Holy Ghost. As you try to keep commandments and covenants, your ability to recognize and appreciate his help will increase. Also, all of us are born with the light of Christ, a knowledge of right and wrong, a conscience, and we are kept safe as we follow it.(D&C 121:46)

4-      4-Heeding the counsel of living Prophets and Apostles will also help us prevent or remove “Spiritual Cataracts.” President Nelson has recently encouraged is to “Think Celestial.” I have used his advice and have found it a wonderful help to keep my mind pondering Celestial and noble things rather than let my mind dwell on the worldly or the mundane.(2Peter3:2)

Vision is a wonderful blessing! I now live in a brighter, more colorful world!

If you ever feel that you might be developing “Spiritual Cataracts”, we hope you’ll try the remedy. Pray, keep the commandments and your covenants, follow your conscience, let the Holy Ghost be your constant companion and follow the counsel of living Prophets and Apostles.

You’ll soon be restored to 20\20 spiritual vision and your world will soon become a clearer and brighter place!

 (See January 2020 The Grandparent Chronicles- for a list of truths you will now see with 20\20 vision!)


Much love- The Grandparent Chronicles    




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