He was a scruffy looking guy. My 1st impression was that he was about to ask me for money, but no, maybe a religious zealot, he did have a large wooden cross around his neck. As our eyes made contact I was drawn to his beaming smile. I had a distinct impression that this was someone I was supposed to talk to, but I was tired, it had been a long drive and I felt justified in my feelings to avoid contact.

We had just arrived at our destination in Banff, Canada in the crisp clean mountain air among the majestic Canadian Rockies for a week of exploring and relaxation; that would happen, but I sensed that there was also another purpose for my being here. As the evening progressed, I couldn’t get that man off my mind. I had experienced spiritual promptings in the past and knew that I would get no peace until I resolved to follow them. As I knelt in personal prayer that night I had a conversation with my heavenly father. “Dear father, I’m feeling that this man I met today in the lobby is someone with whom you want me to talk. I’m feeling that I’m supposed to share the message of the restored gospel with him, but father, I’m not prepared, I don’t even have a pass-a-long card to give him. ‘You have the Gospel Library App on your phone, share that!’ came to my mind. “ OK father, here’s my problem, I have no name and no idea which room he might be in, I apologize that I didn’t follow my 1st impression and talk to him when I could have. If you will give me a 2nd chance, put him in  my path again somehow, and I’ll talk to him, I promise.” I retired for the night and found sleep much easier now.

The next morning, as we were heading out to explore beautiful Banff, the very 1st person I saw in the lobby was him! I wasn’t surprised. Five minutes earlier or later and our paths would not have crossed. I felt a spiritual confirmation that this was no coincident. The father had answered my prayer and it was time to keep my promise. “We meet again!” I said as I extended my hand. I apologize for not being very friendly yesterday but I’m happy to meet you!” As we exchanged pleasantries, I discovered that his name was George Iype Kovoor. He was a cannon ( a title of honor) an Anglican clergyman most recently serving as rector of St Paul’s Episcopal church in Darien, Connecticut. He moved from England to the U.S. eight years ago to teach at the Berkley Divinity College at Yale University. He was born in India but emigrated to the United Kingdom in 1990. In England he had served as director for the church of England mission society, President of two universities, Crowther Hall and Trinity college Bristol. He was cannon of Worcester Cathedral and honorary chaplain to queen Elizabeth! ( Wow! My resume didn’t quite match his!) I explained that I had served as a missionary of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He said that I was the 1st person he had ever met from that church, that he had heard a lot of crazy stuff about our religion but he knew of Mitt Romney and he seemed normal enough! I assured him that most of us are quite normal. He said, “we must talk sometime while you are here!” I took his room number and told him I would knock on his door some evening and we went our separate ways. When I did knock on his door he said as he opened it, “I knew it was you!” He offered me coffee or tea and I politely explained that we don’t drink alcohol or coffee or tea. He had heard that we are a cult. I assured him that we are not, that we worship the Father in the name of Jesus Christ. He was very attentive as I shared the Joseph Smith story, the coming forth of the Book of Mormon and an overview of it. He asked how I had become a member. I explained that I had been born into the church and asked If he would like to know how our family became members. He said he would, so I shared the conversion story of Jasper Carolina Wade. That lead to how I developed my faith and I shared a few personal sacred experiences I had had including my amazing experience in the temple that revealed whom I should marry. We talked for a good hour. “There’s so much more to share with you”i said. “There’s a free Gospel Library App I could help you download on your phone if you’d like.”  “Sure, I’d like that” he replied.

After downloading the App, we both felt we should end with prayer. He wanted to say it. I felt a warm sensation as he asked the Lord to bless me and my family and thanked God for his new found friend. I told George that I would like to mail him his own copy of the Book of Mormon if he would read it prayerfully. He said that he would.  As we exchanged good wishes and I left, I felt a sweet peace envelope me and I thanked God for allowing me to be the one he trusted to share the gospel restoration message with one of his special sons. I’m thankful for the wonderful experience I had and for all I learned.

1-Don’t judge on sight. I had no idea how accomplished this man was or how much God obviously loves him.

2-Our loving Father is a God of 2nd chances. He gave me a 2nd chance to act upon his promptings and he’ll give you a 2nd chance in whatever you need, if you just ask.

3- God loves me. How humbling to think that God would use me to share his truth in spite of my weaknesses and flaws. Know that God loves you too!

4- It’s important to try to feel and hear prompting God will give you and to act upon those spiritual promptings. You’ll never regret it! You just might meet some amazing people and share an amazing experience!

When we got home, we bought a new Book of Mormon, wrote our testimony inside and mailed it to George. A week later we got the following text from our new friend George.

“Got it Bruce, Thank You! I look forward to reading it with an open heart and mind. Take care and bless you, your brother- GK.”

I don’t know how this story ends- that’s between God and George, but I am so thankful that our God is a God of 2nd chances!

Much Love-   The Grandparent Chronicles


You can find George Iype Kovoor on Wikipedia- ( you won’t find me!)


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