The Test of Discipleship

  T H E   T E S T   O F   D I S C I P L E S H I P

Mark 10: 17-22 tells of an interesting encounter of a rich young man with Jesus.
“ There came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good master, what shall I do that I might have eternal life?”  Jesus listed the commandments but the rich young man responded, “ all of these have i observed since my youth, then Jesus beholding him loved him and said unto him, one thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.” Here was this young man’s Test of Discipleship.
As a young man, I dreamt of serving a mission. With the encouragement of my older brother Byron, we enrolled in a speech class together in High School. I was very shy and recognized this as a way to overcome my shyness and prepare for a mission.  I enjoyed that experience so much that the next year I joined the debate team. After 2 years I became somewhat skilled in debate, oratory and extemporaneous speaking.  Nearing graduation I applied for and received a scholarship to debate for Weber State college. When the time arrived to serve a mission I felt I was ready. I was ready to debate religion and logically convert people by the droves!  How shocked I was to be called to serve in France and Belgium where I would be required to speak and teach in French!  I thought- you want me to go where?! And do what?! I wouldn’t be doing it my way after all- i’d have to do it his way!   One day in a French class at the language training mission my instructor looked at me and said for all to hear- “ Elder Wade, you’re not even trying!”
With tears in my eyes I left the class and began weeping uncontrollably. The truth was- I was trying! Trying my hardest but just couldn’t get it! While others were at lunch, I found a closet in my room and had a good cry with the Lord. I told the Lord I could not do this on my own. France was not my idea for a Mission. If you really want me to serve there- i’m going to need your help!
I felt his spirit comfort and calm me. I felt his reassurance that he would help me. It wouldn’t be easy but he would help me and with that knowledge  I knew I could do it ! We had 3 groups learning French. The super  smart guys who had seriously studied French in high school and who had it down. The smart group that had taken a class or two and who picked it up quickly. Lastly was my group - I called us the dumb dumbs and we didn’t have a clue! The worst grade I ever got in High School was a “D” in Latin , the romance root language of French! After  my conversation with the Lord and his reassurance, I went to work. I was the only member of the "dumb-dumb' group who passed off the 1st discussion in French before leaving the LTM ( language training mission). A miracle !
A difficult Test of Discipleship for me!
     Years later, now in my mid-thirties while living in Hyrum, Utah Annette and I were busy raising our then 4 little children, I was summoned to the Bishop’s office to receive a new church calling. Having been raised in the church, served a mission and held many callings already- I had a testimony that callings are from the Lord.  Sometimes they come to us because others need our service. Sometimes a call is given because we have a special talent or ability. Sometimes to stretch us or even to Test our Discipleship. This would prove to be such a time.  
     While growing up as a young man in the church I was always “active” but also very involved in sports. During the summer, baseball was my thing.  Because I was so involved with baseball, I had no time for scout camp, merit badges and such. I didn’t care much for scouting as a boy so the one thing I honestly hoped to never be called to was anything to do with scouting!
When the Bishop called me to be the ward scout master- I said to myself, You want me serve where?! and do what?!
Gathering my composure I said Bishop, you need to know that I was never much into scouting as a boy. I have no desire to be involved in scouting as an adult. The only way I could ever accept a calling to be Scout master is if you promise me that this is not a call of desperation but one of inspiration from the Lord.  With a smile on his face, my good Bishop assured me that this was indeed a call through revelation from the Lord. Reassured that it was a call from God I knew I could do it with his help.  It turned out that calling soon became my favorite church calling ever! I learned to love those boys and they loved me. We had a ton of fun doing and learning together. I was able to take Blake and Aaron ( though to young to be scouts) on lots of outings and became very involved. I attended Woodbadge, earned my “ticket”, trained other adult leaders and was awarded a District Award of Merit. A true Test of Discipleship had again blessed my life!
     Fast forward now to March 12, 2019.  With years of service under our belts, our children raised and me now retired, it was time to serve as senior missionaries- who know where? I had been preparing for this since my 1st mission to France and Belgium. I had been reading my French scriptures 5 days a week for almost 50 years. Annette was hoping for somewhere warm . We had earlier completed a 4 year stay at home mission to the Marshallese branch. We’re thinking- maybe a leadership position ( but probably not since I turn 70 in July) surely though somewhere speaking French, maybe France or Belgium, French Polynesia or the Belgian Congo. Certainly some place warm like a tropical French Caribbean island or maybe the Marshal  Islands!
     Needless to say, we were both in total shock when we read our call via e- mail.
You are hereby called to serve in the Ukraine Kiev/Moldova Mission! Working in the mission home or at the discretion of the mission President. You want us to go where?! and do what? 
Ukraine was no where in our list!
     In looking back- I should have known.  In my experience with the Lord and his callings, seldom have I been called to serve where I felt comfortable or even qualified.  The Lord seems to want to stretch me and move me from my comfort zone.  For some reason- he wants me to do it his way not my way!   The scriptures are full of examples of this same principle.
Enoch was slow of speech so the Lord called him as his mouth piece!
Nephi was a big city boy so the Lord called him to build a ship!
Joseph Smith was a farm boy so the Lord called him to translate scriptures!
     What will be your Test of Discipleship?  Will you be challenged in paying an honest tithe? Live  the Word of Wisdom?  Attend church and keep the Sabbath day holy? Pray daily? Study daily the new "Come follow me" curriculum?
Or maybe it will come in the form of a church calling when you feel like saying- “ You want me to serve where!?  and do what !?
     What will be your Test of Discipleship?

Much love- The Grandparent Chronicles


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