Bruce Kaye Wade

 B R U C E   K.  W A D E


Last month’s Grandparent Chronicles paid tribute to our wonderful Mother/Grandmother Annette.  Since my Birthday is fast approaching, I thought it might be appropriate to share a few true stories from my life. Not a tribute or life history but a few events that might entertain and even teach a principle or two in hopes of helping you as you navigate your own life.

I was born on July 6, 1949 in Mesa, Arizona to Donna Lou McAllister and Alfred Byron Wade. I’m the 2nd son born to a handsome sailor and a beautiful band majorette who met and fell in love. My family moved to Utah when I was still a baby. I remember being very stubborn as a small child.  One night I refused to go to bed even after a spanking from my father who finally gave up.  I realize now how disrespectful I was to my father and am ashamed at my lack of obedience.  Some of you unfortunately have inherited my stubbornness, for that I and sorry.  It will do you no good.  I guess it takes time to learn that Obedience is the 1st law of heaven and that following council of those with more knowledge and experience, who love us, is a lot better way to live. I hope you parents will be patent with your stubborn ones and lovingly teach them a happier way to live.

I have a firm testimony of the efficacy of Prayer and have enjoyed the benefits of prayer throughout my life.  My 1st memorable experience with prayer was when I was probably around 6 years old. Somehow, I sensed that my parents were worried about finances.  My dad often had 2 jobs just to make ends meet. His evenings were spent out trying to sell whole house vacuum systems.  One night as I was on my knees praying that my dad would be able to sell a vacuum system that night, I heard the door open and my dad tell my mom that he had made a sale!  I felt a warm feeing which enveloped me and reassured me that Heavenly Father had indeed heard and answered my prayer! Armed with that testimony of prayer, I have not hesitated to approach my dear Heavenly Father in daily prayer as well as in time of need and have enjoyed many sweet experiences through sincere prayer.  I hope you will take the effort to make prayer a real and powerful experience in your life and in the lives of those you love and for whom you are responsible to teach.

I have always favored the underdog and never appreciated a bully.  They tell me that when I was young, I wasn’t afraid to take on the older bullies if they were bothering my brother.  I remember on two occasions while in junior high when I sided with the underdog and took on a bully. One time at church I was playing basketball with a handicapped boy. A bully took our ball and taunted us. When I pressed him for the ball, he threw it as hard as he could into my face smashing my glasses and cutting my nose.  I was mad.  I chased him outside where we then fought. I had to stand on the steps to be as tall as he was. The facts that he was taller, bigger and older didn’t sink into my head but I felt like David fighting Goliath and that my cause was just.  I know I had the help of heaven as I reared back and threw a fist into his face with all I had.  I knocked the kid down and out! Apparently, he lived across the street where his dad was watering their lawn.  He came running over to confront me.  I told him what had happened, that his son was being a bully and that if he bothered us in the future, he could expect the same.  That bully never bothered us again.

My second encounter was with the school bully who was in the lunch line a few people in front of me.  As a younger kid passed by with his tray of food, I saw the bully deliberately trip him and laugh as he and his food went flying.  I confronted the bully with what he had done. He didn’t appreciate my input so a shoving match began.  As we were both hauled to the Principal’s office he said, “We’ll finish this out front after school”.  Word of the fight spread and after school it seemed like the whole student body was out front to watch the fight.  It started slowly then punches were flying. Next, I found myself on top of the bully pounding his face.  Just then I felt someone pull me off the kid.  It was my mom and grandma who had come to pick me up after school!  I was mortified and knew that I would be the laughing stock of the whole school. I was so upset that I wasn’t going back to school and refused to talk to them.  My mom had other ideas so back to school I went the next day.  To my surprise, kids began congratulating me. I was the new school hero.  Later that day I saw the same bully cross to the other side of the hall to avoid confronting me! 

I had learned not to be a bully earlier in elementary school when I was the bully!  One day I was late to recess for some reason.  I wanted to play kickball but the game had already started so they refused to let me join the game.  I decided to steal their ball so I did and took off running. One of the stronger boys in school came running after me so I kicked the ball as far away from him as I could.  To my horror, rather than going for the ball, he kept pursuing me. He tackled me and sat on my chest until I had promised to never do that again.  I never did.  The lesson here is to never be a bully and don’t be afraid to help the underdog when your cause is just.  The Lord helped David defeat Goliath, he helped me and he will help you conquer your Goliaths!  Your Goliaths may not come in the form of a church or school bully.  Your Goliath might be depression, a poor self-image, internet games or just a time wasting, browsing addiction.  It could be pornography, alcohol or drugs or a hundred other things.  I hope you remember that there is no Goliath that with God’s help, can’t be defeated!

So, to conclude, I apologize if you are stubborn, that’s probably my fault but something you should try to overcome- it will do you more harm than good.  Get better at prayer. Take time to really talk to your Heavenly Father and take time to listen to him. Some prayers can be short, I get it, but at least once a day in privacy on your knees, really pour your heart out to God, he is waiting to hear you and heal you. Never be a bully and always be willing to defend those being bullied.  If your cause is just, you can expect heaven’s help. We all face Goliaths in our lives.  If you seek God’s help, he will miraculously help you defeat your Goliaths no matter what they may be!

I hope you’ll take time to relate these experiences to those you love and help them understand the truthfulness of these few principles I’ve learned so far in my life.  If we don’t teach these true principles in the home, where else will our children learn them? 

Much Love - The Grandparent Chronicles

Just call me Jack

My Mug Shot

Comrade Wade

Mission Bound

Beast of Burden


I like to fish - but I can't catch a fish!


  1. Be discriminate in taking on bullies these days . . . some of them have deadly weapons and are emotionally unstable.
    Love my Brother Bruce.


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