“ The main thing is to make sure that we     keep the main thing the main thing.”  What does that mean??

 THE MAIN THING...                           February 2021

February with it's Valentine's Day, could be considered the month of Love.  The scriptures teach us that "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,..." (John 3:16).  Speaking of that love, Elder D. Todd Christopherson of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles, in a recent Northern California Regional Conference quoted Steven R. Covey as saying; "The main thing is to keep the main thing, the main thing." The point of the quote is to keep the main thing front and center in your life. To not allow yourself to be distracted by all the other (non-main) things going on around you. OK, that's good advise but what is the Main or most important thing? Answer-God loved us so much that He provided his only begotten Son to effectuate a great plan of redemption or happiness for us.  Elder Christopherson explained that for all of God's children (that includes you and me) the main thing is that God has a plan for us!  He then challenged us all to summarize God's plan on one page.  That challenge seemed to be Grandparent Chronicles worthy.  Following is our attempt.

THE PLAN-  We lived with our Father in Heaven in a premortal state.  His Plan (the main thing) was to provide a way for us, his children, to progress and become like him.  We would need a body (like he has) a place to live and be tested (outside of his presence) to learn and grow, choose and develop Faith, Obedience and other Godly characteristics.  We would make mistakes so he would provide a Savior (Jesus Christ) to make atonement for our sins and mistakes. John reminds us, “ Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13) This savior would in mercy, appease the eternal demands of justice.  Repentance and forgiveness would provide a way for us to return to God's presence at the end of our test.  Various levels of exaltation would be rewarded depending on our willingness to apply his plan, using his tools (prayer, repentance and forgiveness etc) to navigate our successful return.  This plan would be fair and available to all who chose to accept it. All would start as innocent babes, all given the "Light of Christ" to help guide them.  Even though we would not be allowed to remember our pre-earth experience (to help equalize the test for all) this light or conscience would guide us if we chose to follow.  Circumstances would be different and not all would receive a perfect body but all would be judged by their individual efforts and circumstances. Success would be possible for everyone! The specific challenges in ones life would be less important than the way those challenges were faced.

Now that we know what the "main thing" is (God's Plan) how do we make sure that it stays the main thing in our lives?  Here are a few suggestions:

1- Learn about the plan.  2 Nephi chapters 2 and 9 are a good place to start.  Next, read and study Alma chapters 12 and 42.

2- Make a list of "To Don'ts".  What's clouding your focus?  What in your life distracts you from the main thing? Avoid or eliminate those distractions.

3- Ponder and Pray.  How do I implement God's plan better in my life? Am I cooperating with God to work his plan for me?  How can I improve?

In summary- Life is short. Don't waste any more time being distracted from what matters most.  Neal A. Maxwell ( former apostle) put it this way.  Quoting a "wise man" -"If you have not chosen the kingdom of God first, it will in the end make no difference what you have chosen instead." ( April General Conference 1974- " Response to a call")

We hope you will find happiness and success as you realize that "The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing in your life!

Much love-   The Grandparent Chronicles


  1. Thought provoking- thanks. For me perhaps the main thing is not a plan or “the” plan but the behavior which hopefully is the implementation of whatever the good and great plan happens to be. Falling a bit short, but truly trying.


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